Chapter Nine

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Batman Junior (because he can TURN INTO BATS! And I don't care if the actual Batman can't turn into bats, I'm calling Rael as Batman Junior)

Aramina's POV

I stared in the direction of the main gate which was just around the corner of the building right behind me and wondered if it was worth the risk, before deciding that whoever this noble was would anyway be able to sense me too so there wasn't really any point in hiding. And this noble wasn't a clan leader, or at least I assumed. Their aura wasn't as powerful as Sir Gejutel's, but it was slightly more powerful than Seira unnie's. Despite that, something told me that this noble was not a clan leader.

That didn't mean they weren't strong. Maybe they were what Sir Gejutel had called me during his visit- a pureblood- but not a clan leader.

I ran up to the corner of the building behind me and then rounded that corner, only to stop abruptly when I saw that Ishii oppa, Tao oppa and Takeo oppa had already made it to the main gate before me. Tao oppa's back was blocking my view of the noble but the aura was stronger than ever, so I knew that he or she was actually there. I could distinctly make out the silhouette of the school janitor a few feet further away, just sweeping away like nothing was happening. Now that was strange. Why would he-

Then it struck me. Mind control.

I gulped and moved a little more behind the corner of the building when a flash of black, white and yellow suddenly zoomed past Ishii oppa and the next thing I knew, there was a bleeding wound in his back.

"Ishii oppa!"

I shrieked, unable to hide myself any longer, and ran towards the trio as fast as I could. Before I could reach them though, the same flash of black, white and yellow zapped around me and then there was a boy standing right in front of me. He was tall for sure; not as tall as my oppas but definitely a few inches taller than Seira unnie and way taller than Regis oppa. And way, way, way taller than me. His clothes comprised of black pants along with a white vest and a short black overcoat; golden buttons glinting in the sun and the long strings of a collar fluttering in the wind. It matched well with his pale complexion, while his curly hair was the yellow part of the flash I had seen.

Overall, he was good looking. But I was not enjoying how his blood red eyes were narrowed at me.

"How is this possible?"

He muttered and knelt down on one knee so his face could be level with mine.

"You should have been dead."

"You cwan't just twell people they should be dead."

I narrowed my eyes right back at him to show him that he didn't scare me, even though he did a little, but the boy only chuckled.

"What's your name?"



The boy raised a brow and reached one hand towards my cheek when Takeo oppa yelled at him to get away from me. The noble shot him a fleeting glance, before returning his attention to me.

"So these disgusting human toys are polluting the space of my princess as well as a noble, if you are one."

"Who you calling disgussing human toys?!"

These nobles really needed to stop judging people without knowing their true story. Was this what nobles were supposed to act like? All judgy-judgy and rude?

"Those are my older brothers!"

Then, regardless of what would happen afterwards, I pushed past him and raced towards Ishii oppa who was still bleeding.

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