20. Kane

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50 thousand humans and over 20 thousand wolves reported deaths had just been announced. More unaccountable, not just wolves and humans, other species too have lost their lives due to the savagery of Orion.

The world I have grown so attached to with the humans is in chaos and all look to me to do something, what I am currently doing is just that.

Snapping the last neck of the thin dark creature who I saved for last so he could witness the death of his fellow Orion follower's deaths, I watch as his lifeless dark orbs dull I release the disgusting from my wolf's hold and leave the body with the rest.

"Kane, today is a good day for us, only 5 of our troops lost their lives today." Lucas says as he stands beside me.

I nod as I take in his appearance. He looks exactly like me, adrenaline consuming us, the thrill of the kill is our nature and for true wolves, it drives us to go further. Lucas would make a fine Alpha after all this is over, I look forward to that day he leads his own pack.

"Good work today." I say to him as he looks at me with a shocked expression.

"You feeling alright? You never complimented me before." He says with a grin and puffed out chest.

Yeah, I have not. Until I met Sora I was distracted, even to Lucas who has become a very good friend, possibly the only one I could speak openly to.

Rolling my eyes. "Piss off."

I look over to the north and my army is stationed throughout the hills and I have never seen such a sight.

Currently, I have 50 thousand with me, many stationed through the world all having a direct line with commands from me and a few I have trusted to command on what to do and when.

"Word came that Aeyon is firmly pissed at you." Lucas says with amusement to which I snort.

I'm sure Aeyon is.

We have killed a lot more of his than he has of ours. It is only a matter of time until our paths cross and I bury him in the fucking ground in an unmarked grave.

I will take my sweet time breaking him until his inescapable death.

"When did you hear from Larson?" I ask as we walk through the camp as everyone packs to leave the arena and go onto the next.

"An hour ago, he's in the Vale Kane, Aeyon is right where we want him."

I nod. Yes, he is right where I want him to be. I could end this war tomorrow but I can't, at least not yet.

"I want the location of that rat by the end of the week." I leave no room for 'but' as I turn and leave.

Today has been adequate, to say the least. I would be more pleased to have Braum's lifeless corpse beneath me but soon... soon I will have him, he can run but he knows I will find him and when I do, I would not be surprised when I do he kills himself.

He has slaughtered families of all races in his path, my group and I are hot on his trail but the slimy cockroach escapes each time. Many of those with me want him more than Aeyon, as much as Aeyon is a problem, Braum is the real brain behind this takeover.

Without him Orion has no leader, they will go back to the darkness from which they came. Then I will find them all and rid their dark magic from this world.

Sora can see how much the demon side of me comes out with the mention of his name.

My beautiful kind and caring mate still sees so much good in a beast such as myself. I know she is upset with me over the pup I had by the throat and other times I may have let mine and Dex's possessiveness get too much.

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