1. Sora

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"It's so freaking cold!" I blow on my freezing hands.

I finally landed down in New Zealand, Queenstown to see my best friend Amanda from college, she has just recently given birth to a son with her longtime husband, Lucas. Traveling from London had been no fun rollercoaster for me, I have never been so emotionally drained on a plane before.

My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me, left me in debt, and my apartment flooded ruining all my artwork that was meant to be shipped by the end of the month to paying customers.

This happened all but just last night.

After apologizing and returning their money, the whole ordeal had left me emotionally exhausted.. how the hell am I going to fix this. Stressed and exhausted I glare at the sidewalk.

"I'm bloody cursed, I just know it." I mumbled to myself. Waiting for the dealership to deliver my car. I sit on my suitcases, all my belongings with me.

What was suppose to be a weekend away turned into me being homeless and now in a predicament. 

Amanda has been my best friend since our first year at college, she is the only one who I have kept in contact with since graduating. 

Since she met Lucas, her now-husband.. she moved all the way to freaking New Zealand, in the middle of nowhere and is living in a 'fantastic' gated community, or so she told me, this would also be my first time visiting her and meeting her husband, I'm excited to finally see her after all these years.

Of course I couldn't say no to see her newborn son when she asked for me to come and visit, with everything going on in my wreck of a life in London I basically sold what I could and packed up and flew here a day early, despite it all, it was perfect timing. I desperately needed to escape my shitty ex before I killed him and the catastrophic disaster that has now ruined my financial situation, all caused by him...

Amanda has no idea what's happened. We spoke pretty much once every week always keeping in contact together. But I just cant let my pride down when she always admired me for 'having my shit together', but I'm far from having my shit together.

"Excuse me miss, but the car you requested had been misplaced and there are no available ones till next month..." the man started rambling.

How the hell do they misplace a car I already booked and paid for?

"What? That's.. impossible I bought it already!" I try not to let my frustration come off as anger. "You have none available?"

"I'm very sorry..." he genuinely looked sorry smiled weakly at me. "We can arrange for a taxi to take you?" He asked.

I shook my head, I can't afford a taxi is he kidding me, the prices here are huge for a taxi.

My luck just keeps on getting better.

"No. It's fine." I mumbled out and said goodbye to the man. Grabbing my stuff I walk over to the nearest café that happens to be over the road.

Fuck my life.

Putting the phone to my ear and tapping my leg nervously against the pavement, waiting for the call to come through. She is going to freak out, she never liked Tom.

"Sora? Hey! What's up? I was just about to text you." Her carefree giggles came through.

She's going to freak out and definitely going to make a big deal out of this.

"Ha-ha, so listen... I'm in New Zealan-"

"WHAT? NOW?" She screamed making me wince back.

I sigh heavily and run my hand through my hair. Utterly emotionally defeated. "I could really use a ride.. do you think.. you could?" I mumble out, this is so embarrassing, I hope the world swallows me whole..

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