badinas & goons♠️

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Read in dark mode.

"Men lie. Women lie."

"all merged together;a sea of badinas and goons"

Act 1 Sc 6


she just considered it as a change of scenery.

9 hours earlier...


*ADJUAA raised her head from her computer science textbook and heavily sighed. Life was kicking her ass and she was in need of an escape, externally she had the perfect life. Her father being a pastor gave off the impression of a perfect, honest man who was in tune with his faith yet he was the biggest hypocrite she knew. She saw real pain in her mother NYEMA'S eyes every time TOBY shouted and raised his fists. What type of example was he setting to JAKOB and ABIGAIL?

She looked over to the door opening, revealing IYRENA and KARMEN walking into the library and her mood instantly lifted. She practically knew Karmen for all her life, being that they were inseparable since nursery days. "What you doing?" inquired Karmen, as her and Rena sat down on her table. "I asked Mr Kingsley if I could research database design for the rest of the lesson".They chilled in the library, basking in laughter and enjoying each others presence. Momentarily, their problems drifted away to the back of their minds.


"yeah" she replied tentatively,

"Lamont's having a party for his 19th, come we go", spoke Karmen. The girls deliberated and decided they would go, Karmen was popular not because she was a clout chaser but she was really kind so a lot of people consider her as likeable.

Adjuaa didn't really speak too tough unless she knew them personally, out of the four Iyrena was definently the most outgoing. One thing that Adjuaa liked was how she always stayed consistent with her character and could move in different types of settings. She was Croatian, and embraced other cultures as if they were her own. Irene was no culture vulture and knew how to navigate without being a pick me. Her parents brought her up to be herself, always treat other people with respect and embrace wherever they came from. Having parents who were immigrants herself, she could relate to Irene on a certain level.


"just like my mind, my teeth are gonna' be behind bars"

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scene • transition

the braces complimented her face tremendously, she thought she'd have a childish appearance with braces, in actuality that wasn't the case.

AMOUR strolled out of Dr Shawar's office into the corridors, opened the door leading to the street and let the fresh breeze hit her as she exhaled. 'Meh' was her, wholly. She had grown to like the girls she'd been introduced with and could actually tell they weren't on no fake ish. Sometime she wondered if she was harsh in that she spoke with nothingness, stoically,. It was something that sed to push people away, after knowing Karmen and Adjuaa for over a month cemented their bond funnily enough. Most people would've ran fr the hills.

It did scare her sometimes.

Although she seemed cold, for her, a 'friend' title was extremely meaning and wasn't a label that could be attached randomly, thus for her it was sparingly. When she felt slight anxiety due to how good their bond was she distanced herself, they respected that'd she was grateful for that. They just checked on her and knew it wasn't her being funny, she just couldn't help those little quirks she possessed.

They would come to her yard later, trusting her intuition had her trusting to bring them into her home. Her foster parents, Heidi and Mike, and soon to be adopted parents are finally happy because they saw a side of her appear they hadn't seen in years. They truly wanted her to prosper and be the happiest she could be, they regarded her as their own without question. The small minority of their family who weren't partial to the idea of adoption and the fact she was black were cut off instantly. They didn't support people whose mentality was warped and poisoned to the idea of caring for another race except for Caucasian.

"Evening" Amour said as she entered their gorgeous home, "hey amz, how does it feel?" asked mike, preparing lunch for all three of them. "It hurts to talk", understandably. The rest of the day was a chill one, after Heidi finished her meeting, they watched Netflix and baked cookies until it was time for the girls to come over.


Heidi opened the door, flour smeared in her vivid blond her and chocolate smudged over her slightly freckled cheek, carafe. Hey girls, how are you/ They were aware of her having foster parents and greeted her politely.

"We've just done some baking if you girls want some there's two trays in the kitchen and a cake in the oven"

"Hi" she said from the staircase and gestured for them to come upstairs. The girls had brought their bags so they could get ready. They showered and just needed to get dressed and do hair and makeup. They had 2 hours, the clock was ticking. Amour wore a long spaghetti strapped brown bodycon which showed her slim curves and enhanced her slim thighs, slicking her hair into a bun she took several stands out and added cur products and gel, leaving some ends out. The rich mahogany dress brought out her cinnamon toned skin and dark brown, almost black eyes. Her makeup was slightly more than she usually put on, however it was still more natural looking. Deep chestnut brown gloss enciphered her plump lips and matched her lower lash line and flat shoes. She filled in her eyebrows and put a little bit of concealer underneath, added bronzer which gave her a sumptuous glow, concealer and some dramatic lashes Rena insisted the girls have from her lash business pretty'iyes.

Iyrena wore a simple but effective pink and white marble style two piece set with black slides and minimal makeup, just dramatic lashes, pink lip liner, gloss and eyeliner. She styled her hair in voluminous baby pink waves. Adjuaa wore black bellbottoms, black Jordans and a black off the shoulder fitted top, minimal makeup; just concealer, contour, cream blush and gloss. Her hair was in brown fulani braids. Karmen had on a fitted waist shirt dress from plt with a white corset and white and diamond slides, her makeup was also minimal, hair in a sleek high braids with curls.

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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