Champagne Problems

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"You had a speech, you're speechless"

I looked in the mirror at myself that night, liking the way the pink summer dress hugged my body, the floaty bottom making me do a little twirl. I put on a pair of trainers and grabbed my coat to cover up. I smiled at the person staring back at me before I grabbed my belongings which included the present I had taken for Peter, planning to give it to him tonight. I tucked it into the bag and smiled proudly before I left the room, heading down to the foyer where the rest of my classmates were stood. Flash sent a smile and mouthed a 'you look nice' to me which I thanked him for before I made my way to Peter. He looked at me and smiled before turning back around which caused me to frown, he usually would've had a compliment for me and my outfit. I shook it off and leaned forward to grab his hand. He took mine into his and held on tightly, it felt tense and I furrowed my eyebrows at his actions. "Hey Peter, you okay?" I ask and he looks to me with a tight smile on his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine" He says and I know he's lying straight to my face.
"No you're not"
"Yes I am so just drop it" he snaps lightly and I take a step back from his actions.
Sure, Peter had been acting weird all day but that was much more calmed, I had no idea as to why he was acting like this but I decided to shake it as Mr Harrington announced that we were leaving. I let out a sigh as my classmates looked bored and annoyed that we were giving up a night at the festival for the opera. We left the hotel and headed through the busy streets, people cheering all along the sides of us. We kept walking until we finally reached the opera house which was practically empty apart from us and some older people. As we walked in, I noticed stairs leading up to the boxes up above which looked stunning. I tugged on Peters arm causing him to turn and face me.
"Hey let's go up to one of the boxes"
"Not now Marney" he says looking about tensely.
"Please Peter"
"No!" He snaps at me and I look at him in shock. He hardly ever spoken to me with so much hostility.
"What's wrong with you tonight?" I ask and he looks at me sharply.
"Nothing Marney, now just leave me alone, I need space" he says as takes his hand out of mine and rushes out of the building, not even looking back at me.
I felt my heart tense as he walked away and my shoulders slumped in pain. Why was Peter suddenly acting so horrible towards me? I tried to shake off the feeling when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned round to see Brad stood there and gave him a sad smile.
"Hey I saw all that, are you okay? He asks and I nod before shaking my head and putting my face into my hands.
"No I don't even know why he's acting like this" I sigh and he takes my hand into his.
"Come on, let's have fun while we can" he smiles.
He starts leading me up the stairs and we head into one of the boxes, a smile coming onto my face as I stared down at the stage in awe of what was happening in front of me. I looked down at my classmates and saw them all bored or on their phones, laughing quietly when I saw Flash start falling asleep, only to be awoken by a sudden noise coming from the orchestra. From the corner of my eye, I could see Brad watching my movements but chose to ignore him as I leaned forwards to watch the rest of the show, my eyes glittering in awe as the main lead sang loudly, her voice ringing deep in my heart. Although most of our friends were disappointed to be here, I couldn't help but be thankful that the tour company had changed our evening entertainment to this.
Once the show was over, I stood up and clapped loudly which caused the actors to smile up at me proudly before they retreated backstage. I gathered my stuff and slipped on my coat as me and Brad made our way downstairs. We met up with the rest of the class and I linked my arm with flash, Brad trailing closely behind us as I told my best friend what had happened to my night with Peter.
"I swear, I'll punch him next time I see him" he threatens and I tell him not to.
We slowly make our way back towards the hotel, most of the night life dying down, as while we were in the theatre there had been an elemental attack that we were thankfully out of harms way for. This of course sent the teachers into a mad panic and they started organising how they could get us all home.
As I stood upstairs in the hall connecting to our rooms, I sighed as the two teachers rushed about seeing to everyone. I didn't know if Peter was still missing but I could only assume that our date tonight was off. I started walking down the left hand hall, convinced that this is where Peters room was. I was about halfway down when Brad opened his hotel door.
"Hey" he starts.
"Hey sorry, I thought Peters room was down this way and was checking if he was back" I explains and he nods.
"I don't know where his room is but I'm pretty sure he's not back just yet" he tells me.
"Do you want to come in while you wait then?" He asks quickly after and after a few seconds I nod as he moves to the side and lets me step in.
I take a seat on the sofa in his room and sigh as he sits on the other side of me. It hurt knowing that I wanted to go on this trip to see where me and Peter were going to go and yet here I was, without him. I sat back and turned to Brad who sent me a sad smile before placing his hand on my thigh. I stared down at it and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. My heart rate increased as he started to lean towards me and I forced myself up out of the seat.
"No see that's what we're not going to do because I'm in a relationship" I say and he looks at me sadly before nodding and I start heading out of the room, opening the door and seeing Peter walking along the corridor.
He looks over at me and smiles.
"Hey I was just coming to find you" he says and I feel my heart lift up a little.
He goes to open his mouth to say something again before he sees what room I had just come out of. He furrows his eyebrows and I let the door close behind me.
"Why the hell were you in Brads room?" He asks harshly.
"Why did you you leave me behind at the opera" I snap back and we stand there, staring tensely and harshly at each other. 

A/N: just so you don't get confused, the next chapter is the night in Peters perspective and then it's back to this conversation.

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