Remember that night

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"Didn't have to try not to think of you"

Once we disembarked the train at London, we all started walking towards the exit. I wheeled my suitcase along as I pulled my ticket out of my pocket and stopped along with everyone else.
"Well Marney, guess this is where we leave you, thank you for coming on the trip, I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted" Mr Harrington says and I shrug in response telling him I still had fun.
I hugged a few of the guys goodbye before I pulled Flash into a massive hug, thanking him for all he had done on this trip. I then let go and started walking away as I waved goodbye to them all and headed towards the train that would take me to the airport. I got on and headed towards my seat where I sat down and took in a deep breath before the train left the station.


I walked out of the train station and upstairs into the airport where I saw my moms friends waiting for me. I hastily made my way towards her and pulled her into a hug which she returned happily. We then let go and started to walk towards the security area where we hoisted our bags up on the conveyor belt and waited for them to go through. We walked through the scanners and waited on the other side for our bags to come through. I notice though that mine goes to the other side and they start inspecting it as I walk round to retrieve it.
"Yeah we need you to open this" the man says pulling out the familiar red box that forms a lump in my throat.
I stare at it and reach out shakily as I take the small package into my hands and start unwrapping it. As I open it I see a cream coloured gift gift box and open it to find an iPod inside, with a note.
'Dear Marney- Welcome to the soundtrack of us'
I start up the iPod and see one playlist in the library labelled 'star crossed' and in the description was another note to me.
'For all the ups and down, always and forever'
I show the man what the box had held and he nods letting me know I can take my bag and go.
I grab ahold of it and we start heading towards the gate, realising we had cut it quite close. As we neared the gate, I paused and fished out the iPod with a pair of headphones before we made our way down the tunnel. Me and moms friend had different seats due to the difference in time when we bought the tickets. She waved me goodbye and I walked further down the plane, making my way to my seat. I hauled my bag up into the upper compartments before taking my seat. I plugged in the headphones and pressed shuffle on the playlist, hearing the familiar beats of our song start. I smiled sadly as the tears rolled down my face. I leaned my head on the window and drowned out the sound of the flight safety announcement, closing my eyes.

-4 months earlier-

I sat on the roof, listening to my music and looking over the skylight. My parents were having another argument about who knows what and I just couldn't stand it. I turned my head when I saw the shadow of someone behind me. I turn to see Peter stood behind me and I smile at him.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask and he looks at me scared for a minute.
"Is it okay if I sit with you?" He asks panicked and I nod, patting the spot next to me.
He takes a seat and I sense his uneven breathing. I place my hand on his back and he flinched slightly before he calmed down. He turns to face me and goes to open his mouth but only a shaky breath is released.
"You don't have to talk to me until you're ready" I tell him and he nods in thanks.
"So this is gonna be a regular thing?" He asks and I let out a small giggle which causes him to blush lightly.
"Only if you want it to be" I reply and he nods enthusiastically in response.
I let Peter lean on me and I lean my head on the top of his. I place my my hand next to his and we linked our pinkies. That was the second night of many rooftop meets to come.

-2 months earlier-

Peter sat next to me on the roof as we ate the pizza out of the box that sat in front of us. We had our favourite cheesy pop ballads playing in the background.
"Hey you know that job I applied for?" I ask and he hums in acknowledgment.
"I got it" I tell him and he looks over with surprise written all over his face.
"Oh my god Marney that's amazing" he exclaims, lifting me up bridal style, standing up and starts spinning me around in his arms.
I laugh loudly as we keep spinning. He eventually puts me down and I jump up into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and he holds me up.
"I am so proud of you" he whispers before he presses a kiss to my lips.
"I love you Peter Parker"
"I love you too Marney Pearce"

-present day/ 10 hours later-

The plane landed and I waited for everyone else to stand up before I made my way into the aisle and pulled my bag out of the overhead compartments, turning the volume in my headphones up as I slowly made my way towards the front of the plane and into the airport. I made my way to baggage collection and retrieved my suitcase before I started following behind the rest of the people from my plane. I walked slowly behind the rest of the crowd before everyone started dispersing and I saw my mom stood with a sign with my name on it. I raced towards her and let go of my case shortly before I reached her, throwing my arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around my waist, holding me close to her chest.


I sat in my room that night, staring at the box that held Peters present. I eventually grabbed it and tore the paper, opening the box and pulled out the envelope and few gifts that were encased. This included the CD that had our song on it, little hearts drawn around the track on the back of the case. It also had handmade bracelets that had the words always on one and forever on the other, a symbol of what our love was, it made me feel stupid now though and I threw them down on the floor. The final item would hold the most important sentiment to him. It was the photo of Peter and Tony that Tony had kept around his house. I had to go and track down Happy Hogan and then ask him to ask Pepper Potts and it took at least a month until I got it, but I had hoped it would all be worth it. I stocked the bracelets and the CD into my bedside drawer before pulling the envelope towards me, sliding out the letter. I opened it and stared down at the words I had written those few weeks ago.

Dear Peter,

To think that these past few months with you have been the best that I have ever had. You have shown me what it is like to fall in love properly and have someone love me regardless of what has happened in my past or present or for what may happen in the future. You have held my hand in my darkest moments and you have taken every piece of my love. I am so glad that you are the one who is holding it, I hope you can hold it forever because I wish to hold to yours forever. You have every piece of my heart Peter Parker and every piece of my heart is yours.
I love you, I always have and I truly and honestly think that I always will.
Thank you.

The letter stares back at me tauntingly as I feel my hands shake as my grip gets tighter. I take the letter and start ripping it up into tiny pieces, letting the erasure of the letter erase my feelings as well. I walk to the window and open it, throwing out all the pieces and watch as they fly down to the floor. I picked up the picture frame and stared at the photo in my hands. I started walking out of my room and headed towards the main door before I open it and knock on the one opposite. A few seconds later, aunt may opens it and she looks at me sadly, obviously knowing what had happened. I pull out the photo from behind me and I hand it over to her.
"He deserves to have this" I say before turning around and walking back inside my apartment.
I had to accept it now, I had to accept that this thing with Peter and I was truly over and done with and that we weren't going to get back to where we had been. The rooftop visits would stop and the hand holding would cease to exist. There would be no moments of happiness when we kissed and we would not be the keepers of each others hearts. As I made my way into my room I grabbed the CD from my drawer and put it into the stereo I kept on my desk. I skipped the tracks until it reached our one and I sat down on the floor, letting the soft words fill my senses. I was coming to accept it all. Peter was no longer mine and I was no longer his. We just weren't meant to be.

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