Chapter 1 New Beginning

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Your POV

*You pulled all the wires out of the DT extractor after you threw Gaster against the wall after he tried to use you in one of his experiments again

"You're not putting on me in this thing again old man"You said looking at Gaster

*Your body floated up then flew towards the DT Extractor by Gaster's blue magic

"You think you're so smart pulling the wires.But you're just a waste of my time!"Gaster said sounding injured

*You got yourself off the DT Extractor then you see Gaster turning on the switch

(He's making it malfunction on purpose)

*You jumped off but Gaster places you back in the center of the DT Extractor

"You bastard!I'll kill you!"You shouted angrily

"You should know better than stand up against your creator"Gaster said smirking

*You made yourself catch on fire to melt the DT Extractor but you had a feeling your life was in danger then


*The Extractor exploded and your body was pierced by shrapnel of the machine then your your ear drums were ringing as your sight was blurry.You feel cold and the surge of pain and the hot sensation of blood leaving your body was the last sensation you could feel before your body started to feel numb

*Your vision starts to get better and you could see trees and snow.Somehow you're somewhere Snowdin's Forest and the your steamy breath convince you even more that was the case

*You could sense someone coming towards you but most of your abnormal senses that could detect hostility was most likely damaged by the explosion you took point blank.You couldn't even tell if they're a friend who's coming to help or a foe to finish you off and was sent by Gaster

*You see a person in a red jacket and red eyes look down at you.Your vision apparently was still shit since you couldn't even see who it is staring at you.You muttered for something to eat as it could regenerate faster

*The stranger walks away then your could sense the stranger running away

(Who the hell was that.I never seen anyone with red eyes before)

*Several minutes went by and you see the stranger again with a metal box that had a Red Cross.It appears the stranger was giving you emergency first aid then they started to drag you with thorny vines that appeared from the ground

*Later on you were placed inside a sentry post where the stranger started to feed you chocolate.Your HP was slowly maxed out and you see the stranger who helped you

*You see a human with blushing cheeks,red eyes and an expression as if she was sad.You were told humans were gruesome and dangerous but apparently you were taught wrong.But you don't trust strangers so you decided to do the most logical thing

"Thank you"you said quietly as you tried to speak as best as you could

*The stranger pulls a notepad from her red jacket's pocket.She starts to write something then she shows what she wrote

She starts to write something then she shows what she wrote

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