Chapter 2 Subordinate

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Your POV

*You were in Cocoa's and Captain Asriel's house and you received clothes from the gracious Captain himself

*You wore a black military jacket,gold sweater and black military pants.For now

*You walked upstairs to knock on the first door that Cocoa entered
*Cocoa opens the door then she quickly closes it as soon as she saw you


"Cocoa?I want to ask about the house rules I don't know about"You said


*Cocoa slightly opens the door to peak with her right eye
*Cocoa slowly opens the door all the way and you see her wearing a different red jacket with the words "SHY DEMON" on it then she shows you her notepad

"You look cool =) "Cocoa wrote but she looked shy

*You smiled from her cute reply
"Thanks.Your brother gave this to me.I want to throw away my old clothes into your trash can but I don't know it that's ok with you or your brother"you said

"I can throw it"Cocoa wrote
"No it's covered in blood.I can just.."you said but you don't know anywhere you could throw your clothes
"If you don't like it.Rei can burn it"Cocoa wrote
"Rei?"You asked

"Asriel"Cocoa wrote
"Oh.Thats oddly a cute nickname for him"You smiled
"I know =)"Cocoa wrote

*You step back while Cocoa takes a step forward then she locks the door and closes it.Cocoa walks towards the other door at the end of the floor

*Cocoa knocks on the bedroom door
*Cocoa knocks on the door then it opens.Cocoa takes a step back then she writes on her notepad

(I wonder how many notepads she has since she never speaks)

*Captain Asriel opens the door then Cocoa shows what she wrote to Captain Asriel

"Is he dead?"Asriel asks
*Cocoa tilts her head towards you then Asriel leans his head out of the doorway to look at you.He suddenly walks out and checks out what you chose

"Hmm.This looks to good on you"Asriel said looking oddly confused
"It's the clothes you gave me"you replied

"Yeah But I just pulled whatever I don't wear.You didn't like the gloves?"Asriel asks looking curious

"It's not cold here so no"you replied
"Hmm.If you rip it I'm not giving you another one"Asriel said looking serious
"That's fine.I know how to sew"you replied
"You do?"Asriel looks surprise

"Yeah.But my old clothes weren't exactly stitch-able and the stains isn't making it look good either"you replied

"If you want to burn it then throw it in the lava at The Furnace"Asriel said
*You blinked visibly

*Cocoa shows her notepad to Asriel

"Oh I thought he's asking me"Asriel said

*Asriel looks at you
"Where's your clothes?"Asriel asks
"Wrapped up in that black plastic bag"you said

*Asriel looks over the wooden railing then he shoots out a fireball at it then the black plastic bag slowly turns into dust..somehow.Asriel looks at Cocoa

"I hope you're taking this seriously.Pets should be kept in leashes"Asriel said to Cocoa
"Hm?"You looked visibly worried

*Cocoa quickly writes then she shows you her notepad

"He's kidding.Hungry?"Cocoa said looking a bit red
"Oh good and yes"you replied

*Cocoa walks passed you nervously and she walks downstairs.You looked at Asriel who was staring at you

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