Chapter 23 Christmas Eve - Part 1

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Your POV

*Its finally the day of the Christmas Party at the Dreemurr Lab

*A few days ago.You and Cocoa were quiet and never actually discuss the kisses you gave her but there were a lot of moments when Cocoa was randomly shy to sit close to you or walk alone with you

*But right now.At 7:00pm

*You,Asriel, and Cocoa were at the house in Frosted Fields getting prep and ready for the party.You wore a gold sweater and black pants then you walk downstairs to see Cocoa standing by the Christmas tree wearing a red jacket saying "Winter Demon" in white letters

*You stood with her and you notice her hands behind her back.Then Cocoa looks at you and she shows you her notepad saying

"Tilt your head down"Cocoa wrote
*You stood in front of Cocoa then you lean your head forward to lean against her forehead. Cocoa's went wide then she turns red and she took a step back while she looked panic like last time.Cocoa writes on her notepad then she shows it to you again

"Tilt your head down so I can put something on your head!"Cocoa wrote while she stares at you with a surprise shy expression

"Ohhh"You said

*You tilt you head down and Cocoa slowly took a step forward then she puts something soft on your head.You straighten up then you see Cocoa putting on a Christmas hat

*Cocoa stares at you and her blushes slowly disappears
*Cocoa writes on her notepad
"You look great with it (^-^)"Cocoa wrote and drew
"You look beautiful"you said in a gentle tone while you smiled

*Cocoa freezes up and she looked completely shy to even look at you in the eyes then you held her hand
"Let's sit on the couch"you calmly suggested


*You led Cocoa to the couch and you made her sit while you laid your head on her shoulder.You look at Cocoa's hands and she's wearing the pair you gifted her


*You see Asriel exiting out of his room with a red Christmas sweater which has white letters that had a gold outline saying "Whiskey" and he just put on his Christmas hat

"Are you two ready to leave?"Asriel said while he walks towards the stairs
"I am"you said
*Cocoa nods

"Let's double check if everything is turn off then we can leave"Asriel said while he made it down the steps of the stairs

"Ok"you said

*You and Cocoa got off the couch then you all started to make sure you don't return to a burning house.You all double checked everything and you even extinguish the open fireplace.And for last, Cocoa turns off the lights on the Christmas tree while you and Asriel waited for her by the front door

*Cocoa walks to you then Asriel turns off the house lights then you all left the house

*You see it's currently lightly snowing out then you heard Asriel close and lock the front door.You all went to take the Train while it was decorate with Christmas lights in and out of the train. Was it safe?Probably.Did anyone care if it was hazard-free when it looks amazing?


*Either way.You all made it to the Train Station at The Furnace

*Cocoa stays close to you since you can protect her from the heat then you both followed Asriel towards Dreemurr Labs.You all made it to the Lab then you all entered to see the Lab full of Royal Guards who were all dressed in Christmas sweaters and almost everyone had a Christmas hat on

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