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I jolt out of my bed at the sound of an alarm, ready to start another day. I groan, reaching for the alarm clock, slamming the nightstand to try and stop the alarm. Maybe I can fit in 5 more minutes of sleep.

The small hand of a girl softly rests on mine, urging me to stop the slamming. "It's okay," a voice whispers. She gently switches the alarm off and cradles my head in her arms.

"Thank you, Yeji, I didn't mean to be so rough with it..." I mumble sleepily.

"No, don't worry, I understand you're tired," she responds with a tone of understanding.

"Why are you up so early anyway, Yeji? I was going to get you something..."

She laughs nervously. "I... I don't know, I just think... what were you going to get me?"

"Well... I don't want to spoil anything, but I guess since you're up, I might as well tell you. I was gonna bake you a cake for your birthday. Your 25th, right?"

She giggles. "So you remembered?"

I give her a tight hug and kiss her head. "Of course, Yeddeong. How could I not? It's your birthday."

"Mmm... I guess since I haven't been able to be here for you, I thought I wasn't as important to you..." she pauses as tears start to stream down her face. "I... I just have so much to do, so much in my schedule.... are you getting enough love from me?"

"Yeji, what you have to understand is you're my entire world. You're my everything. There's nobody else in the entire world who can give me what you have given me."

"But... but while you wrote countless love letters to me, cooked every day for me so I would have less work, helped me manage my time better, provided me with emotional support before every concert, I just took your work, not even having time to give you anything back. Even when you had to work in your band and had schedules. I didn't find the time. I hope you don't feel like I don't care..."

"Yeji, every single day, you've shown me you care so much about me. And I'm so touched by everything you've done. And my band... my band is like another Day6, right? You're more famous and obviously have more shows to go to, more variety content... I have more free time than you do. I don't blame you one bit, in fact I'm rooting for you every minute I can. And I'm more than happy to do it."

She buried her head into my chest, tears flowing out of her eyes. "Y/N, you're the best boyfriend I could ever have... but I don't know if I deserve someone like you. I don't know if you deserve someone better. What do you even like about me?"

"Oh, Yeji, you have no idea how much I love you. Here, let's lie down together, because it's gonna be a while before I'm done. Do you remember..."

Memories (Hwang Yeji x Reader -- ITZY Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now