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"Bye, everyone!" you say shakily as you end the live, tears starting to form in your eyes.

You didn't see a single positive comment during that live. At least, none that seemed genuine. Or genuine enough. But there were negative comments. Hundreds of them. Thousands of them.

It wasn't your fault. At least, you didn't think it was up until now. All those countless hours you poured into practicing your singing, improving your range, improving your stability, your tone, your emotion, your expression. You were hailed as one of the best 4th gen vocalists after your debut.

But voice crack after voice crack, constantly being out of tune and missing high notes, your reputation tarnished. It wasn't your fault JYP constantly gave you high C's to belt. Just because you were main vocalist didn't mean you deserved to constantly be in the spotlight, giving it your all during every performance and collapsing right after you finished.

Yet people didn't seem to care. For all they cared, you couldn't sing. When you could. Every week, you sung during your vlives. But this time you were in tears, almost sobbing, forced to sing. And you couldn't.

You feel devastated, not wanting to live this life. Not when the world was against you like this.

Because after all that, you feel like you shouldn't be main vocalist. You don't feel like you should be an idol at all. You want to curl up into a ball and cry forever, for eternity, because you can't take it anymore.

You decide you don't wnat to eat today. You can't. You don't deserve anything good anyway. If you feel pain, good. You want to feel pain desperately.

Lying down on the hard wooden floor in one of the practice rooms, you start to cry. Not the quiet kind, the kind where you're sobbing, with every breath is another wave of sadness, where your emotions are unleashed in full force.

Yeji slowly opens the door with a concerned look on her face.

"Go away," you snap at her. But she won't go away. "I said, go away!"

She nods quietly and walks away.

A few minutes later, she comes back with two bowls. "I made this for the two of us to share," she says sweetly, sitting down next to me and handing me a bowl of ramyun.

You can't help but smile through your tears. You can't believe what she had just done. Despite you getting upset at her for no reason when she deserved the best, she understood your struggle and took time out of her day to help you. And even if she has the most jampacked schedule in the world, she still chooses to make you feel happy. And that means the world to you.

As both you and Yeji slowly eat the ramyun in silence, you notice that she's been looking at you this entire time.

"Is everything okay?"

"Kind of," I sigh. "I mean, on one hand, I feel like an absolute waste of space... but you know, being here with you reminds me... life isn't so bad. At least in these moments."

She smiles and puts her hand on my shoulder, trying to give me as much comfort as she can. "Hey, I just want you to know that you're doing great. Every single song you've been given is beyond what anyone your age can do. To me... you're amazing, Y/N."

She scoots closer to me and leans her head close to mine. "You know what makes me the happiest?"

I smile. "What?"

"You do!" she exclaims, kissing me and enveloping me in her arms. "I love you, Y/N, and it hurts me to see you sad like this. I want you to know that everything will be okay."

I bury my head in her chest and cry. Today was a rough day, and more than anything, I'm just happy to finally be in her arms, shielded from all of my problems.

"It's okay, Y/N" she consoles and kisses me softly on my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, Yeji."

Memories (Hwang Yeji x Reader -- ITZY Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now