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Peeking through the curtains, you're immediately blinded by the bright glare of the flashing, multicolored lights. The blaring speakers blasting music, jarring your eardrums. The cheers of the crowd floods the stage as a wave of nervousness and exhilaration crashes into you, sending shivers down your spine.

It's your debut stage, and you're scared out of your mind. The eyes of thousands of people will be on you, criticizing every move you make, every sound that comes out of your mouth, every single thing you do. Your hands become clammy with sweat as you suddenly feel a lump in your mouth, unable to breath. You don't know if you'll even be able to take a step.

But out of nowhere, a girl just a couple inches shorter than you hugs you tightly. "You'll be amazing," she murmurs sweetly. "I believe in you."

And you've never met her before, but the way she smiles at you and looks into your eyes gives you a rush of happiness, a feeling that you've never felt before, causing you to feel overwhelmed by this sudden rush of energy coursing through your body. Your heart becomes giddy with excitement as you laugh nervously and envelop her in your arms.

You don't even know who she is. But she is the reason why you were the biggest hit on that stage. She didn't know you. But she is the reason why every time before a concert, you feel excited and euphoric. Because you feel loved and appreciated by this one girl.

Hwang Yeji.

Memories (Hwang Yeji x Reader -- ITZY Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now