Not Shy, Not Me

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"Not shy, not me, ITZAYYYYY"

Music blares in the background. You see the slender figure of your girlfriend dancing to the upbeat music, mastering the intense choreography, leaving you in awe by both her unreal beauty and unimaginable skill.

After she and the rest of ITZY waves goodbye to the camera, signaling the end of recording the Behind the Scenes of their new comeback, you wave your hand excitedly to Yeji, hoping to gain her attention.

Her eyes quickly glance over to you, and she comes running towards her, arms extended, until she crashes into you, a smile brighter than the sun etched on her face. "Yeji noona, how was the recording?" you ask joyfully, always happy to see your girlfriend happy, always interested in whatever she's doing, because no matter what, she will always keep you happy.

She giggles under her breath. "Y/N, we have to be quiet so the editors can focus. But it went really well, I think we can be done with the entire music video by tomorrow. We already recorded everything, so now it's just the editors who have stuff to do."

"Oh really? That's amazing! The choreography looks really hard... are you sure you're not like... injured or anything?"

"Are you saying I'm not good enough to do the choreography?" she pouts cutely, but you know she's just teasing you.

"Hey! No!" you laugh. "I'm just saying I'd personally be dead 10 seconds in, so I am actually amazed by what you can do and I'm just wondering if you're okay."

She raises her eyebrows playfully. "Ahhh, that's better Y/N... aww that's actually sweet of you, I'm okay, don't worry," she reassures you, leaning into you and squishing your cheeks with her hands. "You're really cute when you get protective, you know that? You're like a little baby fighting for me."

"Aww..." You find it funny how Yeji always rubs in the fact that you're younger than her. It's cute, the way she babies you playfully and makes you constantly remember that you're her cute, adorable maknae. But it's nice how she's respectful too, how she doesn't actually diminish your identity as a person. That's why you love the dynamic between you and her so much.

You don't entirely know how to respond, so you bring your lips to hers. Wrapping your arms around her back, pulling her body towards yours, you kiss her, butterflies tickling your stomach, a wave of euphoria rushing through you.

"I love you too, Yeji."

Memories (Hwang Yeji x Reader -- ITZY Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now