When one of the Avengers finds a girl fleeing from her past, her only option is to trust them to help her. What they did not know was that this decision would change everyone's life forever. Especially Tony's.
Warnings: Past child abuse, character d...
A/N: Hello! Welcome to another chapter with 5.000 words! In case you were wondering why I was taking so long to update, that's why! Thank you again for all the lovely comments in the last chapter! Y'all make me so happy you have no idea! I wanted to remind you again that English isn't my first language and I don't have a beta for this story, so I apologise for any mistakes you find, I'm trying my best but English grammar it's a pain in the ass.
Ps: Please, again, listen to this song! Please! And if any of you are excited for the new Life is Strange, let's be friends.
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Tony was walking towards the dining room alongside Barnes when FRIDAY spoke again. "Boss, Peter is arriving by the Tower."
Tony stopped surprised. Peter was supposed to be still in school. What was he doing here so early?
"Do you want me to wait in the meeting room?" Bucky asked, stopping a step ahead of him.
Tony thought about it for a moment. "Yeah. I'll be right there with Wanda."
Bucky just nodded and moved along.
"Boss?" FRIDAY called again, waiting for instructions.
"Yes, FRIDAY. Tell Peter to meet me in the lab."
When Tony arrived, Peter was already there, messing around the worktable.
"What are you doing here so early? Shouldn't you be at school right now?" Tony asked, crossing his arms over his chest. By Peter's expression, he knew he was in trouble.
"They cancelled classes." Peter stammered quickly.
Tony looked at him over, disbelieving in his eyes. "How many times do I have to say? You're a bad liar, Parker. Spit it out." Tony demanded.
Peter sighed, knowing that there was no point in lying. "I skipped some classes. I was... worried about Hope."
Tony sighed, uncrossing his arms, his 'angry parent facade' fading. "I don't think you missed some classes, kid. You skipped the entire school day."
Peter walked towards Tony, in that childish, apologetic way Tony learned to love. "I'm sorry, Mr Stark. I couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying because I kept thinking about Hope and the next thing I know, I'm here." Peter stammered again. "Please don't tell Aunt May."
"I can't blame you, kid." Tony came close to Peter, putting one arm across his shoulder in a side hug, and started walking. "It's your lucky day. I won't tell Aunt May, but this can't ever be repeated, understand?"
"Yes," Peter said with a joyful smile.
"Also, I need you to do me a favour," Tony added.
"The team and I will have a brief meeting, I need you to keep Hope company. You cannot leave her alone like the last time--"
"I know. I'm sorry. I know I screwed up last time--"