And So It Begins

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EDIT: Chapter has been revised as of 02/24/2022. Sorry if there are any mistakes, as I completed this very early in the morning and ya girl is tired

"Since there is a ball tonight, I want that ballroom cleaned to perfection before the caterers arrive." Sanria said as she paced in front of you. You nodded respectfully from your spot in the middle of Rae and Alice. They did the same, completely silent as they listened to the directions being thrown at your trio.

The other maids had received their tasks first, choosing the easier ones such as cleaning the halls and the small, hidden away spaces.

"You will polish the floors of the ballroom first, and then move into the halfway to do those floors too." Sanria continued, reading from a piece of parchment. She looked up at you with hard eyes, and you felt your heart skip a beat in alarm. "If it takes you less than three hours, then you have done a poor job."

"When you are done with cleaning the ballroom and the hallway, you will assist with decorating the ballroom." Sanria finished as she shoved the parchment into Alice's small hands.

"Use the high quality cleaning supplies. We have very important guests coming tonight." She added, before she brushed by you and left the room.

You all breathed a sigh of relief, the weight of Sanria's overwhelming presence finally gone. Alice examined the parchment that had been roughly given to her, her brows furrowed.

"Alright..." She mumbled, half to herself. "We'll need wax first." She nodded towards the top shelf, and you reached up to swipe the dinged up canister. As you set it onto the cart, Rae swiped the next item that Alice listed off.

As the three of you worked together, you swiftly managed to gather all of your supplies and were on your way in no time. You allowed the two women in front of you to lead as you fell behind. You examined your surroundings as you went.

Furniture seemed to be arranged differently today, with extra sofas and soft chairs scattered about. You assumed it was for the guests who wanted to rendezvous away from the crowd in the ballroom.

A small blush arose to your face as you thought about a faceless Prince laying on one of the sofas, with an elegant Lady laying with him. You shook the thought away almost as fast as it had sprung up, as you willed the blush on your cheeks to fade away.

You turned to look out of the large windows instead as you imagined what the ball would look like. No doubt a massive show of wealth. Extravagant women in beautiful, colorful gowns and handsome men in expertly tailored suits.

A small prickle of jealousy spread through you as you duly noted the stiffness of your own servant's dress. You wanted to experience what it was like to wear such luxurious clothing just once in your life. You wanted to eat one of the fancy appetizers that they set out, even if it was only a bite.

You were just a servant though. Rae had told you what had happened to Kassie for wanting such a foolish thing, and you knew that you couldn't allow the same thing to happen to yourself.

The idea of luxury was just a mask of the corrupt lives that the rich actually lived, and you knew this. You sighed softly and shook your head, clearing the daydreams from your head as you let yourself come back to reality.

Rae turned to face you as she came to a halt in front of a door. "Are you alright?" She asked softly, placing her hand on her plump hip. "I heard you sigh."

You nodded and gave her a small smile. "Yes, I'm alright." You replied, approaching the door. "Where are we though? Isn't the ballroom on the second floor?"

A SEALED FATE: Emeralds and Blood (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now