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REVISED AS OF 11/02/2022

"Come on, just a few feet further." You cooed to the tired horse. She whinnied, throwing her head back. You grasped the reins tighter, giving her a sympathetic look.

It had been an exhausting journey. You had been told the distance to the village, but you hadn't realized how rough the terrain would end up being. There had been many steep uphills and downhills, rocky terrain, and icy falls.

You were surprised that neither you or your mare had sustained any fatal injuries.

You stood in front of the no-longer sleek mare and looked out from on top of yet another tall hill. You could see chimney smoke, which you had been following for a few hours.

"Look!" You said, gesturing to the dark fog. "We're almost at the village! You can see the smoke! As soon as we get there, you can eat and rest. I promise."

You pulled on the reins again, stepping closer to your destination. She reluctantly followed, seeming to trust you. "Good girl." You murmured, giving her a reassuring smile.

You knew that she didn't understand you, but words of encouragement still flowed from your mouth as you slowly made your way down the hill.

As the small, seaside village grew closer, the smell of salt water and cooked fish drifted to your nose. It didn't smell bad at all, at least so far. Your eyes also picked up more details of the village itself.

There were children, chasing each other with large smiles on their faces. Around them were stalls, which held various goods being sold by villagers. If you strained your eyes hard enough, then you could make out a few tall figures out on a far dock. Fishing, you assumed.

You couldn't help but feel a bubble of hope rising in your chest. This village looked normal, happy even. The sounds that drifted up to you were cheerful and light. It was a large difference from your home village.

From what you could see, there were no dying children on the ground. There were no robberies happening in plain sight. People wore clothes that barely had any patches, if any. This village was much more well off than your home.

When you finally reached the entrance to the village, your legs shaking and your mare huffing, you weren't greeted with any glares or whispers like you had been expecting.

The villagers who caught sight of you didn't seem irritated by a newcomer's presence, especially during the cold months. No, they seemed curious. Some even seemed excited.

One of the villagers, a tall blonde man, came jogging up to you first. Behind him, a little girl called out, "Abel, where are you going?" Her tone was sad, like he had just left an important play session.

The man, Abel's - soft blue eyes never left yours as he slowly approached. "There's a visitor. A pretty one at that. Go back to playing, I'll return to you soon." He called over his shoulder.

You blushed at his statement, and sent the young girl an apologetic look as she made a whining noise. You placed a gentle hand on the mare by your side as Abel finally made it to you.

"Hello." You murmured, suddenly feeling shy. "My horse desperately needs to rest. Is there any place I could leave her?" You asked, looking up through your eyelashes.

Abel took the reins from your cold hands, smiling. "Of course. Please, follow me." He said. You nodded appreciatively, shuffling behind him as you fully entered the village.

More heads turned to look at you, curiosity evident on their faces. A group of older ladies near the fish stalls gave you warm smiles when you looked at them, and your heart opened just a tiny bit more.

A SEALED FATE: Emeralds and Blood (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now