Spring Ball

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Jimin sighed as he watched the many servants around him. Each of them seemed to be extra nervous, most likely due to his and his brother's presence.

Namjoon had decided that Jimin, Jin and Taehyung would be in charge of decorations for the spring ball, which meant that they had to chaperone the people bustling about.

While Jimin and Jin were quite excited over the prospect of finally being able to do things their way, Taehyung seemed more bored than ever. He was lounging in a chair across the room, blocking a stack of boxes from a shy servant who seemed to be struggling to find the courage to ask him to move.

Jimin shook his head and took a deep breath, before he made his way over to them. "Tae. Get up." He said roughly.

Taehyung glanced up at his elder brother, before rolling his eyes. "Come on, Jimin. You already know that I'm not fit for this task. Just let me sit here, out of the way." He grumbled.

Jimin shook his head and yanked the taller boy up. "But you are in the way." Jimin said, irritated. He snapped his fingers at the shy servant, gesturing to the boxes that he had needed to get to. The servant bowed quickly before grabbing them and rushing off.

"I get that you're still feeling moody over the wedding, but we all are." Jimin snapped quietly, staring his brother down. "The spring ball still needs to be taken care of, which means you need to get off of your lazy butt and start helping."

Tae rolled his shoulders and clenched his jaw, avoiding Jimin's heated gaze. He was taller than him, but Jimin's rage could easily outmatch his if he made him mad enough, and he wasn't emotionally ready enough to handle it.

"Fine." Taehyung grunted, waving his hand at Jimin. "But don't be mad when things go wrong and Namjoon is up your ass about it."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "It's not that hard to put table-clothes on tables." He said, pointing towards a group of maids. "They're setting up the tables, and then you can put the table-clothes on. You'll put the green on half of the room, and then pink on the other. Understand?"

Taehyung groaned audibly before nodding. Jimin huffed and pushed him towards the group of maids. "And don't be mean to them. We can't have any maids running off right now when we need all of the hands that we can get."

Taehyung snorted. "As long as they don't piss me off, they'll be fine." He muttered. He left no room for Jimin to respond as he spun on his heel and began to stalk towards the small group of girls.

Jimin rubbed his face harshly in exasperation. "The things I would do to make him less obnoxious." Jimin groaned to himself, before he made his way over to Jin, who was directing a few of the servants that were hanging the new curtains.

"Jin, hows it going over here?" Jimin asked, staring up at the sheer, embroidered curtains. The flowering vines that were sewn into the fabric shimmered in the light, and accented the real flowers that surrounded them on both sides of the balconies.

"Everything's fine...for now. I heard you and Taehyung arguing." Jin said, his attention not fully on his younger brother. "Hey, you." He said, snapping his finger at a young boy who was standing nearby. "Make yourself useful and begin lining the bottom of the walls with those flowers."

"He's being annoying and sulky." Jimin muttered, shooting a glance over at Taehyung. The maids were keeping a distance from him, and even from where Jimin was standing, he could tell that the poor girls were shaking.

"Well, when is he not?" Jin asked, finally turning to face Jimin. "Just have him finish the table-clothes. By then, we should be done. Then he can go hide in his room like a baby until the ball begins."

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