"So, obviously we are now one man down..." Devon began, but Kat sat up straight and sputtered. Her face contorted into such a vile expression I had to bite back my laugh.
"Kat you're pregnant." Devon said it as if he was explaining something brand new to her. Kat held that cool, calm, I'm pissed off but I don't want to commit arson in my own home look."And what?" She folded her left leg over her right and shrugged, twisting a lock of her pristine auburn hair in-between her forefinger and thumb, her green eyes burning into him. Now I looked at her, poised, clean and as serious as I'd ever seen her (that is me seeing her for the first time as serious as she is now WITHOUT holding onto something dangerous) she looked unsettlingly serpentine.
Kat wasn't just pretty... she was breathtakingly pretty. Everything was perfect, a little too perfect.Granted there is give and take - she's perfect on the outside, but god knows if I ever had the opportunity to see inside her head, I don't think I'd ever be the same again.
"Katherine, you don't want to your baby." Harrison mumbled, his eyes shut as he dragged a hand through his unkempt hair.
It was lined with grease, like it hadn't been washed in days. Come to think of it, the contrast was shocking, the two of them together was a sight that was almost comedic. Harrison looked as if he'd just sauntered in from a bar he'd been at for the past week and Kat looked untouched, like an immortal, as if fae blood ran through her veins.Had it not been for the very obvious change in her gait due to her stomach - one would assume she was some magic instrument put on earth to act as the harbinger of doom.
"Our baby." She mused, blowing Harrison a kiss, "-and it's bold of you two to even assume I'd let anyone get close enough to me to harm my baby." She giggled, a short, sharp laugh that sounded as if she'd almost choked it out of herself, "After all, I am a psychopath."
The silence that followed was loud.Then Kat laughed again, this time, it sounded as if she genuinely meant it. Oh, the irony.
I felt the urge to point out that that was exactly our concern, that she'd go psycho, lose control of herself and forget about the tiny life inside of her. Yet...I'm quite attached to my eyes and I didn't feel like I'd enjoy the feeling of Kat clawing them out of my skull.
The thought of the letter she'd passed to me earlier made my pocket burn, I could feel the weight of it despite it just being paper.
My curiosity prodded and poked at me."Listen, I'm very tired - being pregnant and all - so I'm going to go and have a nap. No matter what Harrison chooses, I'm on your team and I'll do whatever you require of me. After all, you're still our boss." Kat said mockingly, Devon opened his mouth as if you retort but closed it again, the words lost on his tongue.
"...you just have to think about how desperate you are, I know there's a threat - or you wouldn't have come crawling back. So do you need the help or not? Think about it." She hissed, and slipped out of the room.Harrison seemed to visibly relax after her presence left, he sank into the armchair beside him and threw his head back.
"It wasn't supposed to go like this." He muttered, folding in on himself like a scolded child.
"Jodie was...she is it." He choked on something, something between a laugh and a sob, "We broke up and I was angry, I was angry so I left, I meant to come back but I-"
Devon piped up."Kat's Michelin star personality lured you in and you thought...hmm...yep, I'm going to get her pregnant." Devon's words tore out of him, as if he'd been holding them in for a while.
My eyes looked to Harrison, who stared at the floor with a face like thunder."Devon," I rested my hand on his forearm, "-attacking him like this isn't going to change anything, we just need to do what we came here to do, not torture him." Devon let the words wash over him, his upturned expression stayed the same, but he sat back in his chair and sighed.
Harrison got to his feet and began pacing, hun he'd like a defeated man, "I saw Kat on the street when I went for a walk to cool down and she brought me back - fuck I hadn't seen anyone other than Jodie in what felt like forever, so her company was more than a welcome invitation." He cleared his throat and continued, "We got...so very very drunk, I was stressed, me and Jodie had no money we were basically starving- I just needed a break..."
"...what I didn't bank on, however, was Kat coming onto me, we'd never seen anything in each other before and we certainly don't see anything in each other now but we're stuck. It was a stupid mistake... I didn't cheat on Jodie, I want to make that clear, but I really can't face her after this, I don't know what to do." He finished, letting out a long, shaking breath.I frowned, "So you and Kat... you aren't a thing?"
Harrison puffed out his cheeks and laughed quietly to himself, "No, Not at all, never."
"-but I was a kid with no dad, and I couldn't put my child through what I went through, I can't leave." He shrugged, "I mean, fuck, it's my baby, I don't want to leave."
At least he was honest."I respect that." Devon muttered, almost as if he meant it for only his ears, but misjudged his pitch.
"So, what are you guys here for?" Harrison changed the subject and rubbed his watering eyes.
Devon got to his feet and began explaining, however, I picked up on the part I hadn't been too clued up on initially.
Isaac is joining us, in a bid to overthrow Jensen and Victoria.
What little followers he still has loyal to him, are believed by Isaac, to be willing to join with Devon and his few forces.
That is, if Devon can get his guys together for two weeks time.
Which can't be easy, given the two bumps in the road we've met so far."You didn't tell me that part." I chimed in, squaring Devon with a dirty look.
In hindsight, I was too tired to be mortified. I simply wished to let all this drama fall off my shoulders - I'll deal with it another day.
But the urgency in Devon and Harrison's tone suggested there was very little time for that - there won't be time for rest for a while.After a moment of thought, Harrison pursed his lips and nodded, "Okay. I'm in." He clutched Devon's hand tightly and smiled at him, Devon hesitated for a moment, and instead of smiling - he threw his arms around Harrison and brought him in for a hug.
"I'm still trying to track down Ace, Parker and Meghan. I've had nothing yet, no leads, no clues - nothing." Devon began, Harrison nodded his understanding.
"I'll keep an eye out, do my own research." He said softly, walking over to a desk in the corner and noting something down.
Devon motioned to me that it was time to leave, but before he did he simply shouted, "Be careful, were being watched. Jensen is up to something - look after Kat. Please." Harrison turned, his expression grave and cleared his throat.
He raised his hand as a goodbye and turned back to his desk, scribbling something else down, the pressure on the paper was so hard I was surprised the words weren't being etched into his desk.We were being watched.
Genç KurguThe fall out among the Dragons and Serpents was devastating. Their allies are gone. Their family is lost. Devon and Aria thought they've experienced hell on earth already - but they haven't seen nothing yet. Heartbreak. Loss. War. How much worse ca...