𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷

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You were the one who actually made Katsuki calm. The thought of you made him calm. Not just you, but the thought of having you. That you're his and nobody else can say the same. He can intertwine his fingers with yours, press his lips onto your own in any way he wants. He can hold your waist and wrap his arms around you at any point in time and you were happy with that too. When he can kiss the nape of your neck in a tender manner, caress your body as he pleases. The fact that nobody else can do the same, and nobody else can make you feel the same...

makes everything worth it.


We walked up the stairs to the entrance of my house with Katsuki behind me. We were welcomed by two cats rubbing on my leg.

I pick them both up, "Hi, babes!"

Katsuki lets out a 'tch' and walks by me.

Putting the cats down I start walking up the stairs, "C'mon."

He walks up the stairs behind you and walks into your room. The curtains were slightly open, allowing a sliver of light to flood into the bedroom. The room you had was quite simple. You had some Midnight merchandise, an all might figurine, and other decorations.

You flop down on your bed and stretch, "Today was tiring."

"We didn't even do anything." Katsuki responds.

You shrug your shoulders and take a deep breath. Katsuki walks closer to you and stands at the side of the bed.

You look at him, "What?"

He slowly got on the bed and propped himself on top of you with both arms. You smirk and wait for him to do something. Out of boredom, you grab his tie and press your lips onto his. You can feel his smirk grow against your own as he presses himself closer to you. You two separated for a quick moment, and within that time, Katsuki swiftly makes you switch positions. He sat up straight and put you on his lap.

After, he put his hands on your waist and tightens his grip as you kissed the nape of his neck. His hands slowly dragged up the skin under your shirt, making you stiffen and shiver. Katsuki smiles and kisses you again, more passionately.

After the first time you two kissed like this, he couldn't get enough. Your lips, your touch, your reactions were addicting. They were the drug he never knew existed until now. Every time you took a deep breath in return for his hands caressing your back, pushing you towards him. Every time your breath hitched when he let his tongue slip into your mouth without warning. Every goddamn time he grabbed your thighs and deepened the kiss further than you could imagine, knowing you liked every second of it.

When he wrapped his arms around you and felt your hands softly rest themselves on his neck. After every breath in between kisses that never lasted long enough to get a full breath. Both you and Katsuki lived for the raw passion these moments gave. When you could hear him groan after you ran your fingers through his hair it gave you a kick.

The burning love through each kiss you two shared could be enough to set a soul on fire...

and they did.

Each kiss was like a striking match waiting to be lit. It's what kept you two going. Even in the end, when the match does light, you two will be closer than ever before. Like constellations in the sky, each kiss, each moment, is like a star that adds to the series of many that create an unmissable shape in the sky.

Even though the only sound that could be heard was the connection of your lips, the fluttery feeling in your stomach made the silence in your room so loud, ear deafening almost. The sound of both you and Katsuki's passion, lust, and desire for each other was like one of bursting fireworks in the sky.

You could feel Katsuki's hands getting warmer as the kiss continued. The skin on the right side of your waist and your left thigh matched the warmth of the palms that held them. In need for an actual breath or two, you separated.

I giggle, "You missed me, huh?"

Katsuki grunted and laid his head in the space between my neck and shoulder. I smiled and hugged him, slightly out of breath.

"Let's get food, yeah?" I ask.

I get up and grab Katsuki's hand. I lead him to the kitchen. Stopping at the pantry, I open it and search for snacks we can eat. Katsuki wraps his arms around my waist, kisses the nape of my neck, and rests his chin where he kissed.

I smile, "You're clingy when in private."

He lets go of me, "What, do you not like it?"

"No no, it's cute." I say, pulling him back and making him hug my waist once again.

I grab my favorite snacks from the pantry snd some spicy ones for Katsuki. I walk to the couch and set them on the coffee table.

I turn to Katsuki and lay a soft hiss on his lips, which he gladly took. Unlike a couple of minutes ago, this kiss was soft, passionate, yet more caring and calm.

Katsuki falls into the kiss, melts into my hands that held his face. His shoulders loosened, his eyes slowly closed, and he reached one hand to hold mine that was on his cheek.

I disconnect our lips and hug Katsuki, "If you're ever stressed or anything, you can tell me."

He nodded. I jump onto the couch and grab my favorite snack out of the ones I chose.

Holding out one hand I say, "C'mon."

The blonde walks forward and plops onto my body. I let out a small grunt and then a giggle, petting his hair afterwards. I grab the remote and turn on the TV. Katsuki lays his head sideways on my chest to see the screen.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask.

He fully embraces my waist again and plants his face into my chest. He mumbles, "I don't care, as long as it's not stupid."

I grin and hear him take a deep breath as I ran my fingers through his hair. I hear a car pull into the driveway, and a car door closing after that.

The door opens and Aizawa walks into the house, "Really? I come back to his face laying on your boobs? God, she's gonna go crazy when she sees this."

I tilt my head, "Who?"

Midnight comes walking in and looks at me. Her entire face lights up with joy, "Oh my god! I shipped it from the day this kid met me! I knew it!"

She walks in front of the TV screen. Katsuki lifts his head and looks up at her.

"You two actually look like a great couple," she gets closer to the both of us, "Have you guys done... anything, yet?"

Katsuki groans and puts his face back into my chest.

"No. We haven't." I giggle.

Midnight walks away and goes to the kitchen, "Proud of you, Y/n!"

I shake my head with a smile and kiss the top of Katsuki's head. His breath was slower and calmer, meaning he was asleep.

I close my eyes and lay back on the couch pillow, soon sleeping as well.


What you didn't know, was that Midnight took a picture of you and Katsuki sleeping on the couch together.

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