An Old House on the Hill

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There was an old house on the hill.

It always gave off a ghostly chill.

The house was haunted by spirits.

The townsfolk were fast to fear it.

They heard noises, crashes and moans.

They saw specters haunting the nearby roads.

Reports said that there were two ghosts in that old house on the hill.

And sometimes, braver citizens would seek them out for a thrill.

They would wander through empty halls.

They would study the broken, dirty walls.

Sometimes the ghosts would remain hidden away.

But other times, they would come out to play.

No one had ever been killed by them yet.

But quite a good many had been scared half to death.

So, for years, that little old house on the hill was empty.

No one wanted to live in a house that was angry.

But then a newlywed couple arrived in town.

The woman was still even in her wedding gown.

The old house on the hill was where they chose to stay,

Even though the townsfolk tried to warn them away.

They said they were not scared of the monsters inside.

They wanted a project, and they would not run or hide.

So into the old house on the hill they went!

And much of their time and money was spent.

They cleaned and repaired the house of all its hurt.

They scrubbed away years of neglect, abuse and dirt.

In time, the house was fully in repair.

Then at last, the humans met the ghosts who lived there.

The interaction was indirect of course.

The humans could not see a supernatural force.

But the ghosts interacted with them anyway.

The ghosts were present and active with them every day.

The ghosts watched over them and kept them well.

The ghosts kept them safe and kept the house neat as a bell.

The ghosts were no longer restless or wild.

Not now that they had a new couple, tender and mild.

Instead, the ghosts became soft, gentle, quiet and kind.

They were protective, caring and so very wise.

Even if the mortals could not see them, they remained.

They protected and watched over the house and all who ever came to stay.

This was because they were, in truth, just like you me.

They were mortals who had finally passed away into eternity.

But rather than staying in the afterlife,

They returned to this house because their death had come from strife.

Their passing was violent and cold.

They never had the chance to properly grow old.

So they returned to their old house on the hill.

They wanted to ensure no other residents here would ever be killed.

They never wanted to see anyone else suffer their fate.

It was why they'd come back to this old house on the hill to wait.

Now new life had finally come to the home.

The ghosts could finally feel happy as they roamed.

So the old house on the hill remained peaceful, protected and happy.

The human couple would be cared for by the ghosts for eternity.

The ghosts felt glad again, and so did the living couple in their stead.

It was nice, even if the living didn't know that they were cared for by the dead.

There was an old house on the hill.

It always gave off a ghostly chill.

The house was haunted by spirits.

But the townsfolk no longer needed to fear it.

AN: Random haunted house poem I just made up because I like the idea of a house being haunted by friendly and protective ghosts rather than vengeful, evil ones.

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