Friends You Meet in a Graveyard

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I find it amusing how much humans fear the dead. I understand why, of course, but it's still all a bit silly. After all, the dead used to be living, too. They used to be people we loved! Why fear that? Why not see their return as a reunion rather than a hostile takeover? But that is why I am here. I speak for the dead. I see what most people forget, that the dead are human, too. Fear and judgement does nothing but turn them into the monsters we fear they are. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So I am here to put an end to that.

By showing these corpses love and understanding, I will restore their humanity. I can help them move on, and help the rest of the world realize that these creatures aren't dangerous. They're humans! They used to be just like us! Perhaps it sounds crazy, but it is vital work. Most humans don't like being viewed as monsters, after all (dead or alive). So it is up to me to put an end to this misguided fear and hatred. I will replace it with trust, understanding and compassion!


"Ok! Calm down, darling! Calm down!" Mara held out her hands soothingly.

"Mara! What the heck are you doing?!" her friend, Vivi, panicked as she approached the snarling zombie.

"I'm just trying to help someone out!" Mara replied cheerfully, taking another step towards the zombie. "What is your name, darling?"


"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that!"

"Hnnrrrgggnn..." A bony finger pointed right. Mara obediently looked over to see a headstone.

"Ah! Is that where you came from?" she asked the zombie politely, interestedly.

"Mara, this is a really bad idea!"

"Arrnngghhh," the zombie's head flopped back and forth as it tried to nod. Mara gave it a concerned look, but said nothing as she went to inspect the headstone. The last name had been weathered away by time, but the first appeared to be...



"Well, that is a lovely name!" Mara straightened up again, smiling cheerfully at the zombie.

While Vivi continued to watch in shock, disbelief and fear, even the zombie looked surprised and confused. Why wasn't Mara afraid? Weren't most living beings terrified whenever a member of the undead came too close? So why, then, was Mara so calm and inquisitive? This wasn't normal. Was it a trap? Why was she smiling so much? Wasn't she even a little afraid?

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Mara's smile got even bigger as she stuck out a hand.

"Mara! What the literal, actual F are you doing?!" Vivi cried. "Are you mad?! Or do you want to be zombie chow?!"

"Oh, surely you know what a handshake is!" Mara laughed, ignoring Vivi, hand still extended to the zombie.

"Urrguughhh." A rotting hand slowly moved towards Mara's. While Vivi continued to panic, Mara only smiled serenely.

Then, even after that disgusting, moldy, slimy hand closed over hers, she continued to smile. She gave the zombie's hand one firm shake before pulling away, and the zombie let her. Finally, Mara addressed Vivi.

"See? I told you nothing would happen!" she bragged. "He's friendly! Mort, here, is a nice guy! I told you he'd be reasonable."

"You're freaking insane!" Vivi could only shake her head in disbelief. "I hope you don't expect me to shake its hand!"

"He, Vivi, he. He has a name, too," Mara corrected.

"Ugh. Fine. He." Vivi rolled her eyes. "But I still stand by what I say! I ain't gonna shake his hand with a 50-foot pole!"

"Now you're just being dramatic," Mara rolled her eyes as well. "Besides, I wasn't asking you to. I was just saying that Mort, here, is a good guy!"

Once again, Mort could only blink his one eye in surprise. Just who was this Mara girl? What made her so brazenly bold and unafraid? How was she so confident that he wouldn't attack her? She said he was just misunderstood, scary-looking but not evil. How did she know? How was she so confident in his supposed intelligence and self-control?

"Because the number of zombie attacks is actually fairly low, and it mostly comes from humans dealing the first blow," Mara said, as if she'd read Mort's mind. "He's human, just like us, so I believe he can be every bit as rational! He just needs some understanding!"

"Most people don't just casually strut up to zombies and start chatting them up," Vivi reminded Mara in deadpan.

"I know, that's why I have to do this!" she replied, turning back to Mort. "I will bridge the gap between the living and the dead!"

Mara spent the next 20 minutes talking to Mort, carefully going back and forth trying to understand him. It was a bit difficult, given that Mort wasn't quite able to speak, but she was patient and persistent. While Vivi continued to watch nervously from several feet away, Mara was resolute in her decision to talk to Mort. Mort, meanwhile, was still floored by the kindness this living human was showing him. It was a rare day when they didn't run screaming. But he decided to make full use of the situation and, to the best of his ability, he tried to explain his unlife story.

As one may have expected, it hadn't been easy. Even though he didn't really need to do anything to live, it was a very boring existence because he was basically restricted to uninhabited areas. Unless he wanted a bullet between the eyes.

"So, boredom is your biggest struggle huh?" Mara sounded genuinely sympathetic. Mort gave her another wobbly nod. "Well, would you be interested in some books from the library? I can grab you some tomorrow!"


"Yeah! What genre do you like?"

Another 20 minutes later, a plan was in place. Mara would go to the library, check out some sci-fi, and then bring it back to Mort. She would leave him to read his books, but she'd check up on him to keep him company and make sure the book was returned to the library on time.

"But I have to say, it is getting late, so me and my friend should probably be going now," Mara admitted at last, sheepish.

"Urrugghhh," Mort gave yet another wobbly nod and even managed to give her a small thumbs up, even though half his thumb was missing.

"Awww, you're so sweet!" Mara smiled again and offered a goodbye handshake. Mort accepted eagerly. And just like the first time, as soon as the handshake was over, he let her go without issue. Oh, the friends you meet in a graveyard!

"See, Vivi?" Mara repeated, still looking smug. "If people were just willing to address the undead as equals rather than starting battles, there would be less death on all sides! All it took was common human decency and basic respect, what a wild concept."

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get back home, I'm tired!" Vivi sighed. Spending the last hour stressed out was rather draining.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming," Mara laughed. She gave Mort one more goodbye wave before returning to Vivi's side. "We'll be back tomorrow!" she cried.

"Unnrrrggg!" Mort gave her another thumbs up. She returned the gesture with a smile before leading Vivi away from the graveyard.

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