~ chapter one ~

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- A close call -

Your out again looking for your next target
"Bubu pharmacy or that antique shop down the road?"
Jeez never thought being a thief was so difficult I'll just go to wanman and think it over with some delicious food.
On your way there everything seems so peaceful birds, chirping children playing it's shame you'll have to disrupt it all later but it's your job and the only way you can afford to live, unfortunately while you daydreamed about you delicious meal to be the millelith had other plans.
A loud booming voice bellows from behind you
" there she is! That thief she's back!"
"Again really? I thought I had a good disguise this time"
apparently not as millelith were now chasing you full speed down the crowded streets of liyue.
You duck into an alleyway last minute successfully losing the millelith you sigh a breath of relief
"I think I've lost my opportunity to steal today I'll just head back home"
And so that's just what you did heading through the now bustling loud streets of liyue a complete 180 of what it was just a few minutes ago.
finally home sweet home a small house alone in planes of liyue with jagged wood walls the shingles almost all fallen off the roof it's no jade palace but it's better then the streets.
Walking inside you hear the creak of your wooden floors a familiar almost comforting sounds it means you made it home today.
You picked up a pile of wood from the corner of you one room home and put it in the furnace lighting it with your fire vision.
Your not sure why you got your vision it's not like your a good or successful person it just showed up sure it's helpful but you can't help but feel you don't deserve it.
Finally laying on your bed the springs in your mattress stabbing into your back it's nothing new though you've lived this way since you were a child in the slums it's just life closing your eyes, your cold, hungry and longing for something anything better then this.

P A P E R   S N O W [ningguang x reader]Where stories live. Discover now