~ chapter seven ~

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                           - Liar -

It had been a few days since you made your escape life at home had been okay but you knew the guards would find you soon.
So today you decided to pack up your remaining stuff and head off, where to that was still up in the air but one thing was for sure you had to get out of that house.
Packing up your stuff into a single bag proved to be more different then you anticipated you tried your best to get all you could into just one bag and just as you zipped it up the bottom of the bag gave out and all it's contents spilled to the floor.
"SHIT!" You yell watching your hard work fall to the floor,
Not only was all your hard work ruined but so was your only bag so with only one option left you knew you needed to go to liyue harbor to buy a new one, however there was one glaring issue you were now more of an outlaw then before because everyone in the city knew what you looked like now.
But if you kept your head low you could make it right? Sure you could you had done it before,
And with no other option you set off to the city with just enough money for one bag.
You made your way through the city ducking into alleyways along the way,
You arrived at a small shop with only one other person in the shop you decided it was your safest option on a city filled to the brim with people who all knew your face.
You grabbed the first bag you saw and handed the cashier the money careful not to say a word in the process,
After purchasing the bag you quickly made your leave fast walking your way out of liyue harbour.
With your bag bought you can finally get the hell out of liyue for good with just one thing on you mind the other person at the store looked suspiciously like ningguang you were in such a rush you didn't initially  notice her but no one followed you so your probably fine.
Almsot as if on cue you heard a foot step that wasn't yours your head shot in its direction and as you had suspected
"Ningguang, your here to take me back right?" You stated staring at her coldly

"No, y/n I wanted to speak to you before you left liyue"

"You expect me to believe you just want to talk?"

"Gosh why are you so stubborn can't you tell I'm being genuine?" She replied in frustration

"How can I trust you ningguang your constantly just trying to impersonate people to get close to me"

"That was.. a different situation please just listen to me just this once at least"

"Why should I ningguang I don't want to hear your dumb excuses and lies didn't I tell you that back at the golden house?"

"I- you never listen to me y/n! Why won't you just here me out for once?!"

"Fine go say what you want" you tell her

"Thank you y/n I wanted to speak to you before you left because-"

"THATS HER!" A guard shouted pointing at you

"YOU LIAR I KNEW I SHOULDNT HAVE TRUSTED YOU!" You yell at her before running away from the gaurds.

Finally you escaped their grasps to think you had believed ningguang you say yourself as you pack up your stuff into the new bag,
Walking out the door of your almost barren house the breeze hits your face blowing your hair around but as you sorted out your stray hairs an all to familiar face greets yours.

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