~ chapter three ~

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                       - stay for tea -

" it was quite the walk would you like to stay for lunch"
You say trying to be polite even though having a stranger in your shack of a home was a bit embarrassing
"Ah I shouldn't in intrude thank you for the offer"
"are you sure you did come all this way it's the least I could do"
"Well if you insist I am a bit hungry anyways"
You weren't insisting but I Geuss your just gonna have to feed her.
And so that's just what you did mixing some veggies and herbs you put together a simple yet filling stew serving some bread along side it you sit at the small table near the window placing a bowl infront of you and your guest.
"Wow this smells delicious your quite the chef and with such modest ingredients your very talented"
As she spoke something hit you, you still haven't asked her name yet
" ah thank you your too kind really but I just remembered I never asked for you name"
" oh my how impolite of me I apologize my name is.."
The woman paused before saying
"Wow that's a beautiful name I'm y/n"
"Pleasure to meet you"
Finishing your stew you finally feel full again like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
But now that your awake you realize how strange this woman was coming into your house not telling you her name or why she's here so you had to ask
"Yue I apologize if this comes off as rude but why are you here it's just a strange situation I feel like your hiding something"
As those words left your mouth yue looked down at her feet a feeling of guilt washed over you did I say something wrong you thought to yourself
"I'm sorry y/n thank you for the food"
And with that the woman left not daring to look up from the ground.
"well I really screwed that up"
You say to yourself picking up the now dirty dishes.
Days passed by with no real action you go to liyue steal some pocket change buy some essentials then head back home but you had been planning something your biggest scheme yet the golden house was said to carry the most wondrous treasure ever all you had to do was steal it then you could finally make it out of liyue and start fresh in mondstat but first you needed a plan.
Sitting at your table you started to write out ideas that's when you heard a know at the door.
"Hello I'm sorry to bother you so late but I'm very hungry could I please have some food"
A woman stood in-front of you wearing dirty clothes her hair drenched in rain water and her shoes muddied in dirt.
But how could you refuse a woman in such a state with no other choice you let her in
"Here come with me I'll get you something clean to wear"
Digging through your drawers you come across an old disguise that should fit her well
"Here it's not much but it will do.. oh uh you can change in the washroom it's the only door here"
You say laughing a bit at the end
The woman leaves with out another word closing the door behind her
you then realize your plans were still out grabbing the parchment you quickly shove them under the bed and start to prepare some tea for your rain drenched visitor

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