~ chapter six ~

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                 - the great escape -

Desperately looking around for any way out you already knew your rain of villiaine was over,
"Just give up we've got your from all sides" the Guard shouted
They weren't wrong so you put your hands up in defeat lowering your head you walked silently aside them.

It had been weeks since your arrest sitting in a jail cell 24/7 naturally gave you time to think, you thought about the only thing you could as of late,
ningguang you despised her more then you ever had she deceived you lying about being an old friend just so she could ruin your plan.
In a way yes you understood her reasoning she was the qixuing it was her job but it didn't make you any less angry.
Not to mention her strange selfish motives what reason did she have to want to see you? Sure say she was your old friend if she wanted to see me so bad why did she wait so long or impersonate some helpless woman?
Though you asked yourself these questions deep down you knew the answer you just had to admit it to yourself
'She loves me'
but if you said that it would make you feel bad for hating her so much and even worse for telling her that you do.
And so you sat in your cell sulking around occasionally cursing yourself for being so reckless and getting your self caught,
but as the days past by you found yourself wanting to escape like most prisoners do you started to plan your way out,
you had escaped from similar situations before being a criminal and all so this shouldn't be to different right?

Your plan was complete you wait until night fall on Saturday when the guard by your cell falls asleep as he always does you snatch his key as carefully as possible then quite as a mouse you walk right out of that shit hole.

And so you were ready Saturday night anxiously awaiting your escape you watched the guard dose off, you quickly yet gently grab his keys unlock your cell keeping your back against the wall careful to avoid any lights you sneak around any remaining guards as you reached the front gates the alarms started to go off, red lights flashed around you and as guards panicked yelling and footsteps started to get closer you knew now it was now or never so in a mad dash you sprinted off into the night finally making it out of the prison without a scratch on you.

Your sprint now a calm walk as the nights breeze gently hit your face you finally let yourself go even just for a few minutes, you felt free looking up ahead you could see your lonely run down home it barely changed but it had only been three weeks so it was expected.
Walking inside you lay down on your bed the wood creaking beneath you closing your eyes and drifting off for the night finally a plan when well for you.

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