Enemies. Definitely.

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Han Jisung hated Hwang Hyunjin. He was sure of that. They just never got along despite having the same friend group, and allegedly, they didn't want to be friends. Though their friends would always say otherwise.

They were opposites of each other, Hyunjin was very talkative and was always considered the life of the party. Jisung was way quieter and he'd usually be found at a corner in night clubs, that's just were he felt more comfortable. Some of his friends always kept him company anyway. Minho, Changbin and Felix were the ones who could be found in the dancer floor with Hyunjin more often than not, while the others would sit at a table with Jisung, only leaving from time to time to get drinks.

Jisung would never admit it, but sometimes he watched Hyunjin dance. He found it captivating, if he was being completely honest. Hyunjin looked free, happy. It was nice to see. But then again, he hated Hyunjin, he'd shake any good thoughts he had about him off very quickly, replacing them with anything he found annoying about the boy.

Hyunjin thought Jisung was lame. Of course it's okay to be shy, but THAT shy? If he was being honest with himself, he didn't really know what was the reason behind the amount of hate he had for Jisung. He just found him weird. They were like two puzzle pieces that didn't fit together, and that's just how that works. They could try to ignore each other and not fight while out with their friends, sure, but they'd keep their distance from each other.

Hyunjin would also never admit, but he found Jisung amusing, interesting, even. He was quiet with other people, but he had to admit he had some pretty funny jokes. He would never give Jisung the satisfaction of seeing him laugh at a joke he made, of course not, he was way too proud to let it slip. Hyunjin however, loved to annoy Jisung, he enjoyed seeing the boy mad, teasing him to no end. It was way more fun than he ever imagined. Taunting the short-tempered boy like that. His friends would say that it was weird, that it seemed like Hyunjin wanted Jisung to notice him. He'd disagree, of course it wasn't the case, he would do it to anyone who got easily annoyed!

"Do you really hate him, Sungie?" Seungmin cut Jisung's thoughts off after catching him staring at Hyunjin in another one of their club nights.
Jisung cursed himself on his head and replied "Yeah, I do, why'd you ask?" Seungmin raised his eyebrows at him "You sure, huh? You were staring just now, you know."
Jisung got visibly nervous, but composed himself again. "I wasn't! I was just thinking, looking at nothing specific. You should really get glasses, Seungmin, you're not seeing things right."
Seungmin chuckled, obviously not believing the boy, but decided it was better not to push him today. "Fine, I'm sorry then."
Jisung just gave him a face, deciding to go to the bathroom for a little bit.

Hyunjin was on the dance floor, dancing his heart out along with Felix.
He felt eyes staring at him, but then again, people stared at him all the time. He hated to be a narcissist, but he knew he was beautiful.
However, the stare he was feeling was distinct, foreign. It was a stare that he couldn't quite recognize, someone new, essentially. He knew the exact moment that person had stopped staring at him. He found it strange. It felt weirdly intense, but at the same time, it made him feel confident, in some way. He never really caught who was the one staring. But it could anyone, he thought. He just felt different because it was somebody who had never seen him around, and the other way around, too. He convinced himself.
He realized he was sweating, felt sticky and was incredibly thirsty. He needed a bathroom break before going to the bar.

As he entered the bathroom, the first person he saw was Jisung, and of course, that was the perfect moment to pick a fight, make him so mad that he might want to punch him, though he knew Jisung would never actually do it.
"What are you doing?" He said, steadily.
Jisung looked at him, confused. "Uh, I'm using the bathroom..? Can't I?"
Hyunjin shook his head no and smirked. "Not when I want to use it. You should really stop following me everywhere."
Jisung scoffed. "Are you fucking kidding me? This is a public restroom, and I was here first. If anything, YOU'RE the one following me, dumbass"
Hyunjin was dumbfounded, angry, he realized it's such a stupid fight to pick. And unfortunately, he's the one to blame. Though he wasn't expecting Jisung to actually have a good comeback at all. "Fuck you, Jisung. You know I only tolerate you because of the others, but you're the most annoying creature I've ever came across."
Jisung laughed. A hysteric, sarcastic laugh. "Well, I only tolerate you too. It's not like I want to be around somebody like you. You're way too self-centered for my taste. Now, excuse me." He said after walking past Hyunjin, leaving him there. Hyunjin couldn't help but think. Was he self-centered? No. Jisung was just trying to win the fight. Well, he's not gonna win. Hyunjin was too good to believe anything Han said.

Jisung huffed as he walked out of the bathroom. He was irritated. Why did Hyunjin even pick this fight? Over a fucking public restroom? Was he just trying to push Jisung's buttons? Because if that's the case, he was definitely successful.

Hyunjin was weirdly proud of himself, making Jisung mad like that so easily. He enjoyed it. It made him feel powerful, but he was afraid Jisung would take it as flirting. Because it was definitely NOT flirting. Hyunjin wanted nothing to do with that boy, really.

Jisung joined Chan and Jeongin on the table after going to the bar and buying himself a drink, though what he really needed was a box of cigarettes, he promised Chan he'd quit, but now, he was really regretting that promise.
Seeing how worked up Han was, Chan decided to ask him. "Hey mate, you okay? You seem a little stressed out." Jeongin silently agreed, and waited for him to talk.
Jisung once again huffed. "Fucking Hyunjin. He picked a fight with me because I was in the bathroom! Can you believe that? That's so goddamn stupid."
Jeongin laughed and sipped his drink. "Honestly, Sung, I think he does it to see you mad. I think he enjoys getting you mad like that."
Chan then laughed and added "seems like flirting to me."
At that moment, Jisung almost spit out his drink. "You guys are crazy! We hate each other, he'd never flirt with me, and I would never flirt with him. That's the end of the story. We're never gonna get along"
Minho appears, seemingly out of nowhere and sits next to Chan, saying in a teasing, but hopeful tone "I actually think you guys would get along pretty well if you guys tried. Yes, you two are opposites and I can't deny that. But you know, opposites attracted" This comment received hums of approval from Jeongin and Chan, making Jisung scoff and roll his eyes.
"Never happening." The others didn't talk about it anymore, changing the subject, Jisung was thankful for that, he didn't wanna think about Hyunjin anymore.

Hyunjin found Felix, Changbin and Seungmin at the bar. When Changbin spotted him, he said "You done pissing Jisung off? We saw he leaving the bathroom and coming around here to order a drink. He looked really mad, so, naturally, we assumed it was you."
Hyunjin smiled proudly. "Of course it was me, please. I picked a fight with him by saying he follows me around. You should've seen his face, he gets mad so easily, it's funny."
Felix raised an eyebrow before commenting "Don't you think you enjoy annoying him a bit too much, huh? Isn't it just a way to get his attention?" Seungmin and Changbin laughed.
Hyunjin was beyond offended, obviously. "Of course not! I don't want his attention. I want to annoy him. I hate him, and I want him to hate me just as much as I hate him! You guys are insane, like, really insane"
Seungmin laughed but then simply said "Sure, If you say so."
Hyunjin was ready to say something, but decided to stay quiet. He didn't need any more teasing.

They hated each other, they didn't want to be friends with each other, let alone anything MORE than friends. Their friends are not doing okay in the head, apparently. All they could think about was how much they DON'T want to be friends. Right? They don't wanna be friends. They don't like each other. The fights they pick with each other are definitely NOT a way of getting each other's attention, or flirting. Right...?

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