Shut Up! I'm Being Ship Wrecked Over Here!

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It was a bright and sunny day, which was really surprising because it was in the middle of february. My friends and I were riding our ship. It was quite the beautiful Titan, it was painted a nice burgundy; according to me. "What could possibly go wrong on such a fine day like this?" I say to my crew.

Kat replied, "Just about anything really. Especially now since you just said that."

"Shut up!" I say, "Foreshadowing only exists if you believe it does!" She rolls her eyes at me. Whatever, she's probably not right. How could she be? It's a nice day, with no sign of a storm or sea monsters or fat people or anything of the sort! 

While I was thinking about all of the reasons this day couldn't go wrong, it did. It started clouding up. The sun got really scared so he hid behind the clouds for safety, that's all I thought of it at the time. But then there were monsters! Sea monsters! How oddly specific! They started tearing our boat apart like the time you got really fed up with your cranky teacher when she gave you a detention slip for the 70th FREAKIN' TIME and you decide that's it, and you rip it to shreds! Just rip it! Anyways, I guess that's how the sea monsters felt about our ship, even though we did nothing wrong!

And then all of a sudden, a person showed up! He was just swimming in the waters like nothing was wrong! He even said hello, which was nice of him but still! He swam away from the danger quite leisurely, and that's when I lost all hope. Then moments of my life flash before me. I saw my beautiful twin sister Cyan, "Don't ever lose faith," she told me, "Believe in yourself no matter what situation you're in." She's right! I can't lose hope! Not when all of my friends believe in me!

"Uh...I believe in you, Doodle..."

"Shut up Jess! I'm very focused right now!"

"I'm sorry..." Jesus, can you believe her? Always interrupting my thinking sequences and stuff. How rude!

Anyways, my friends believe in me, and I won't let them down! I try to take control of the ship, but I was not strong enough. The waves pulled us all in, and we crashed onto a very small island an island with only two trees. Palm trees. All of my friends seem to be fine. Even KirbyLover and she's NEVER fine.

"I gotta say, everyone seems to be much more fine than how we were before the ship crashed! Except for you KirbyLover! Stop it with your 'tude!" I tell her.

"I didn't even say anything ye-"


To be continued...

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