Preetha and Her Crew

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As I was thinking about how this necklace could not possibly be cursed, it started glowing red. That's not good, I mean I wouldn't think it is. I always assumed red was the most evil color of all. Maybe red is good. Then the red started turning into the silhouette of a demon. Okay, now I KNOW it's not good.

"Myeehehehehe!" says the demon. "I have come to give everyone direct answers! Without an explanation! Myeheheheh!!" Direct answers? No explanation?! That's unthinkable! Who would even IMAGINE such a thing! I wouldn't! I mean I could, but then I wouldn't want to anymore! A world without learning?! That's like a world without Nintendo, and we all know that idea alone is absurd!

"Silence you beast!" I yell at him. Maybe my shrill voice alone will scare him off.

But it didn't. He went along the island telling all of my crew all the answers to their tests! That can't be! He must be stopped! I get out my phone, and start reading explanations to the questions he was giving answers to. The explanations I found were on Open Study! Isn't that strange? Preetha and her crew sure know how to make a good education website! 

As I recite these explanations along with some poems I wrote. I mean maybe that will kill him too. He began to shrink within the necklace. It stopped glowing red, and became normal again. Well that was weird. A conflict and a solution in the same chapter? That was resolved pretty quickly I'd say, wouldn't you? Is this 200 words yet? Aha! It is!

To be continued!

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