Sleep Juice

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She was laying there on the ground, as if she was dead.

"Call an ambulance!" cried Kelsey. Kat yelled at the top of her lungs,

"No idiot! There is no ambulance! WE'RE STRANDED HERE!!" A liquid runs down the top of Rocky's head; what I know to be "sleep juice," which is perhaps the reason why she's asleep. A girl then comes through with some medical equipment. A girl who I believe to be named "Abri." I've seen her a few times on the island before, but never really got to know her.

After an hour or so, Rocky becomes conscience again, and is trying to rest. it seems that Abri did a pretty fine job of raising h-I mean taking care of her. I feel like this should be the end, can't. There must be more to this journey I'm on with this crew. I can't die now, can I? I must keep going! Maybe I could go swimming for funzies. That'd be great, right? I dip my feet in the water. The almost frozen water sends chills down my...foot...spine...

Despite the coldness of the air juice, I dive in, and find some jewelry. Jewelry? Here? That's the silliest thing I can think of at the top of my head! I grasp it, and head back to shore. Maybe I could try it on later. That's the end of that story. Totally. Nothing more to say about that.

Anyways, I check on Elysse and Rave to see if they're doing well with the fish. They don't reply when I ask them how they're doing, but that's probably because they don't like me, and that just goes for everyone! "I wonder if there are other strange things on this island." I say. Then all of a sudden. I see...I see...

A pony?

To be continued.

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