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Swifty: i have no respect for santa. don't sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. walk in through the front door and fight me like a man


Em: you really put aside everything and came all the way for me? how did you even get here so fast?

Kon: several traffic violations

Proof: three counts of resisting arrest

Bizarre: roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks

Kuniva: also, that's not our car

author's note

yooo guys what's up? i think it's been a while since i wrote an author's note (or maybe not - idk and i'm too lazy to check the other chapters). anyway, how are you? how are you liking this 'book' so far? hope you're enjoying it! also, i'm so sorry if i'm not updating regularly, but school is such a bitch especially in this time of the year.

back to hip hop things, i'm kinda obsessed with Favorite Bitch and Guns Blazing lately and i don't even know why lmao (welll i think we can all agree that Guns Blazing is in the top five of the album)

also, mtbmb side B's been dropped in january and there's me already waiting for more

em must be like bitch what more do you want from me let me live my life in peace

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