Chapter 1

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"Harley come on! We're going to be late!" My moms voice calls upstairs to me.

"Be there in a sec!" I finish my hair by placing a black beanie over my chocolate brown waves and sliding my glasses on my face. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, a Sleeping With Sirens band shirt, and a pair of black convrrse. I grab my Black iPhone and run down the stairs to where my very pissed off mom is waiting for me.

"Let's go." She starts walking out the door. I grab my earbuds off the table as I walk passed it on my way out the door. I slide in the passenger seat of my mom's small red car. She starts it and were on our way to clean some rich persons house.

"Mom. Do i have to go with you?" I question as we pull out if our driveway.

"If you want to have some extra moneynin your pocket." She glances over at me as wee drive.

"But its so early." I groan as i look at the clock on the radio.

"Don't be such a girl." She rolls her eyes,

"I am a girl." I mutter and glarr at her.

"Shut up." She scoffs.

At the house

When wee pull up to a huge white house that has to be at least three stories tall, i mentally groan.

"This is going to take forever." I get out after shoving my phone in my pocket.,

"Then we better get started." She leads me to the door and knocks. A woman a but older than my mom answeers aboiut a few minutes later with a sweet smile on her face.

"Ahh, Susan. Great to see yoiu again. This must be Harley." The lady loks at me,

"That's me." I half smile.

"My daughter, McKenna, is about your age she's out right now though." The lady, Susan, leads us the the kitchen where my mom places her phone down.

"I'll be leaving in a fee minutes to be out if your way." Susan tells mom before heading upstairs.

About a half an hour later, I'm on the second floor cleaning with my headphones in playing Sleeping With Sirens when someone taps on my shoulder. I take a headphone out of my ear and turn around. I see a girl with bleach blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tanned skin, and a really curvy figure.


I notice my mom is gone when I get home but ,Jen, the cleaning lady is here.

"Hi McKenna. My daughter is upstairs so don't be alarmed." Jen tells me.

"Oh okay. Thanks for telling me." I smile sweetly at her before walking up the stairs to see a girl with black hair that is dressed in all black cleaning the hallway. I tap on her shoulder and she turns around after taking her headphone out of one ear.

"You must be McKenna. I'm Harley." She half smiles at me.

"Hi. Would I be in your way if I'm in my room?" I point to the white door behind her.

"Uh no. I already did in there." She tells me after thinking about it.

"Alright then." I walk past her and walk into myn room which is spotless. I uno on my bed and call my best friend James.

"Hey boo." He answers.

"Heyy. Miss you." I pout. He goes to Mexico every summer with his family.

"I miss you too." I hear the pout in his voice.

"We will be together again I'm like a month though." I point out.


When my mom pulls into our driveway, I notice my friend, Aleks, is sitting in h his arm outside of my house. I get out and walk over to his car. He jumps a bit when I knock on the windown lightly.

"Get in. Were going somewhere." He rolls his window down.

"Where?" I ask him.

"Don't ask questions." He tells me as he starts his car back up. I walk over to the passenger side and slide in his black car.

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?" I look over at him.

"Shh I told you not to ask questions." He turns off my road and starts driving the opposite direction me and my mom previously came from.

I plug my phone into the auxiliary chord dangling from the radio and press shuffle on my playlist. If These Sheets Were States by All Time Low starts paying through the speakers and I don't along quite loudly just to annoy Aleks. After about half an hour driving, Aleks pulls into a small gas station.

"Want a snack or something?" He looks over at me when he parks in front of s gas pump.

"Uh sure." I get out and follow him inside. I look around and the only other person here is a really creepy old guy and the cashier. I grab a bag of sour patch kids before heading the the back of the little convent store where the drinks are and I grab a tell, original red bull.

"Ew, how do you drink that shit?" Aleks looks at the drink in my hand with a disgusted face.

"The same way you drink that nasty stuff." I look at the mountain dew in his hand. As were walking to the counter, I snatch an original slim Jim off the shelf and put it up with the rest of our stuff.

"Road trip?" The old lady behind the counter asks.

"Something like that." Aleks smiles at her.

"That would be 15.25." She tells us. I go to pay but Aleks beats me to it.

"You know I always pay." He glares down at me since he's like two feet taller than me.

"Whatever." I mumble as we walk out, after he took the bag.

After he pumps the gas, Aleks gets back in the car and we start driving again.

"Want one?" I hold a sour patch kid out for him after about twenty minutes of driving. He leans forward and eats it out of my hand.

"Thank you." He chews it.

"Mhm." I pop a few in my mouth and start munching on them.

"We're here!" He stops the car on the beach, where another familiar car is parked.

"Jay and Dustin are here?" I ask him as we walk towards the water.

"Obviously." He point to a fire pit with the two other boys sitting around it. We walk over to out other friends and sit on logs.

"You guys ready to partyyyy?!" Jay grins and hands both of us a bottle of beer. Yes, we're underage but whatever.

A few hours later, me and Jay are shitfaced. Aleks and Dustin are the responsible drivers so they're both pretty much sober.

The Cleaning Lady's Daughter (Girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now