Chapter 2

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I wake up in a red room wrapped in a gray cover, instantly knowing where I am. Aleks' room.

"You're awake." His voice comes from the other side of the room.

"Why am I in your room?" I mumble and sit up.

"You got extremely drunk, so I decided to not take you home because your mom would have killed both of us." He explains.

"Shit, my mom is probably framing out." I search for my phone.

"I called her last night and told her you were crashing here tonight." He tells me.

"You're the best." I lay my head back down on the pillow.

"I know. " I can hear him smirking.

"Shut up." I mumble into the pillow.

"I made pancakes for everyone. So if you're hungry, they're in the kitchen." He says.

"Blueberry?" I lift my head up a bit.

"Of course." He laughs.

"Let me live here?" I roll over so I'm laying on my back.

"I already told you that you could." He gets up and walks over to the bed and sits down.

"I've been meaning to ask my mom." I sit up and look at him. Living in this house is him, Dustin, and another guy that I don't know.

"You basically already do live here." He shrugs.

"True." I get up and grab the brush paying on his desk.

"Oh sure Harley. You can use my brush." He says sarcastically as I start to brush my hair.

"Oh thanks." I smile and set the brush down once I'm done with it.

"Want to go eat?" He stands up and starts walking toward the door.

"Yeah." I follow him down the stairs and to the kitchen. I see Dustin and the other guy sitting on the coiuch in the living room watching TV.

"Hey Harley. Nice outfit." Dustin calls to me. I look down and notice I'm wearing a pair of Aleks' basketball shorts and my bra.

"Thanks. I'm thinking about wearing it to work tomorrow." I joke.

"Shut up and go eat." He laughs. I walk into the kitchen where Aleks has set three blueberry pancakes on a plate for me.

"Aww thanks babe." I take the plate and a fork thztbhe hands to me.

"Yeah yeah." He waves me off.

"Love you too!" I call over my shoulder as I walk to the table where the syrup in sitting. I pour some of it over my pancakes and shove as forkfull into my mouth.

"Taylor! Give me back my phone!" Dustin exclaims. So that's his name. Taylor.

"Never!!" I see him run past me and Dustin shortly behind him.

"Children." I mutter and shake my head.  I clean up my me when I'm done eating and walk over to the couch where Aleks is sitting watching some weird show on TV.

"Hey, hey. Hey Aleks." I poke his cheek multiple times.

"What?" He looks over at me.

"We should go somewhere." I grin.

"Like where?" He asks, sounding a bit curious.

"The beach!" I exclaim.

"Ugh fine." He stands up.

"Yay!!" I ever up and run into the room where Dustin and Taylor are which is the game room.

"Guys! Were going to the beach!" I tell them.

"Yay!" Dustin cheers. They both run past me to their rooms.

"Aleks! Can I borrow your skateboard?" I ask him as I walk in his room.

"Yeah. But put this on." He tosses me my hoddie. I slide my shoes on also.

"Thanks! I'll give you your shorts back later!" I run down the stairs, sliding my hoodie on as I walk into three garage. I find Aleks' skateboard and grab it, walking outside. I pace it on the ground and staff skating to my house. I see my mom isn't home when I get there so I decide to leave her a note.

Hey mama. I went to the beach with Aleks. I'll be home later, or I might spend the night at Aleks' house. Call me when you get home so I can tell you what I'm doing. Love you!! Xoxo


I go up to my room and get in my swimsuit. I choose my batman bikini because let's face it, who doesn't love batman. I throw a black v neck tee shirt and a pair of jean shorts over the bikini. I grab an All Time Low bag and put an outfit in it. I slide my black TOMs on and slide my phone in my butt pocket. (It's what I call a back pocket) I text Aleks that I'll meet them there and I start my journey to the beach on Aleks' skateboard.

"Harley!" My name is being called about ten minutes after I arrive. I turn around to see Aleks, Dustin, Jay, and Taylor walking towards me. By this point I have taken my shirt off so I'm standing in the middle of the beach in Jean sorts and a bikini top. Needless to say, I feel so exposed..

"Hey." I smile as they approach me.

"Let's go swimming!" Dustin exclaims.

"Okkie!!" I take my shorts off and race Dustin to the water.


I'm at the beach with a few of my friends when I hear a very familiar name.

"Harley!" A guy around my age shouts. I see the dark haired girl wave to the group of guys.

"What are you staring at like that?" Brittany, one of my close friends asks me.

"Like what?" I turn around to look at her.

"So adoring." She looks over to where I was just looking. I look back and they're gone. I look around and see them splashing around in the water.

"Why are you looking at them?" Another of my 'friends' asks. She's just one of the popular kids I hang out with even though we're not really friends.

"Who?" I ask her.

"The emo freaks." She looks disgusted.

"I'm not." I glance back just for a moment and see Harley's amazing body. Wait. What? Why did I just say that..? I'm not like that..

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes and goes back over to her boyfriend.


"Come with me." Jay grabs my hand and pulls me over to the snack shack thing. Guess who's also there. If you said McKenna, you were 100% correct.

"You couldn't go alone?" I look up at the tall boy.

"No. You know how I am." He looks around nervously. Oh yeah, he has really bad social anxiety.

"Oh yeah.. Well, it's fine." I nudge his arm with my shoulder.

"I love how short you are." He giggles.

"Dude. Did you just giggle?" I look up at him in disbelief.

"Pfft. No, of course not." He shakes his head.

"Yeah. Okayy." I roll my eyes.

The Cleaning Lady's Daughter (Girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now