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Sunghoon's P.O.V
I was just peacefully sleeping on my bed,when something jumped on me I shot up and looked at the object or person jumped on me I saw a little ball of sunshine
Me:sunoo what are you doing?

Sunoo:Sunghoonie hyung!

Sunoo made grabby hands and I giggled,lifting the four year old
Me: yes?

Sunoo: me hungwy

Me:want your milk?


Me:oh then what do you want to eat?


Me:oh ok, let's go

I carried him when I finished showering and getting dressed,I let him wore a fox onesie and he carried his little fox plushie around,I saw heeseung hyung and jungwon with Jay
Jay:oh morning you two


Heeseung:well wonie look who's here

Jungwon looked at us with cute little chubby cheeks

Jungwon:sunny Hyungie!


I saw jay and heeseung hyung holding hands
Me:wait don't tell me you two are together?!

Heeseung:oh we are and after jungwon gets back to normal,we will both confess to him


I ran downstairs forgetting sunoo upstairs

Niki's P.O.V
I went outside jake hyungs room,with him in a dog onesie

Me:so hyung?

Jake:me want to eat pancakes!


We saw jay hyung,with heeseung hyung and jungwon hyung and Sunoo hyung
Jay:aish c'mon now Sunoo,we are going to get you kids your breakfast


Jay hyung carried sunoo hyung and heeseung hyung carried jungwon hyung,I carried Jake hyung and went down
Queen Ji an:hoonie sweetheart why are you shouting in the morning?

Sunghoon:Eomma,Appa jay has a boyfriend!



I looked at jungwon hyung who was in the verge of crying

Jay:Me and heeseung hyung are in a relationship

King James:what?! Since when?!

Heeseung:since yesterday

Jungwon:heedeung hyung can you pwease pwut mwe dwon

Heeseung hyung put jungwon hyung down and he ran somewhere
Jay:wait jungwon!

Queen Ji an:omo,maids special breakfast pancakes for the babies and the rest will be special chop chop!

Maids:yes your majesty

The maids went straight to the kitchen

King James:Wow jay my second child already have a boyfriend first than his hyung and his little brothers


Serim:YAH appa~


Heeseung:jay let's go find jungwon!


They ran of to where jungwon hyung first ran off

Jay's P.O.V
We kept running where jungwon went to and we heard sniffles

We looked at the plant seeing him there crying
Me:Wonie why are you crying?

Jungwon:wou and sweungie in a welationship

Heeseung:why what's the problem?

Jungwon:mwe wike bwoth owf wou,bwut Wonie turned intwo a bwaby

Me:aww Wonie,your still the jungwon we know ok? We both like you too


Heeseung: yep, let's just wait until you get back to normal ok?


I carried jungwon and went to dining room seeing them

Sunoo:Wonie where dwid wou gwo?


We giggled and Serim hyung went inside
Serim:I just found out that Jungmo lied to me here let jungwon drink first

Me:hey baby come here



Jungwon took the potion and drank it,releasing a disgusted face
Jungwon:it taste so bad Hyungie~


Jungwon:Hyungie cwan Wonie sweep?

Me:but baby you haven't eaten your breakfast yet

Jungwon:I'll fwinish it,mwaybe sunny hwyung will stweal it

We giggled and I fed him,after a few minutes we finished our breakfast and jungwon was on my shoulder asleep

Heeseung:cloud bed

A bed was formed infront of me
Serim:he should be transforming back by now

It didn't budge

Serim:it didn't work,ok I'll be back after he really finished it the maknae's are still grounded after what they did I'll release them from being grounded after these three come back to normal

Sunghoon: aren't you a bit harsh hyung

Serim:I guess

We sighed and I carried Wonie to his room
Jungwon: pwease stway with Wonie

Me:ok baby

I sat beside him as he snuggled closely to me,seungie hyung went inside
Heeseung:is he asleep?

I nodded
Heeseung:wish the spell is broken

Me:I know hyung

Sunghoon:hey guys

Me:wait what are you doing here?

Sunoo:cwan mwe sweep with Wonie?

Me:sure Sunoo

Sunoo tucked himself beside jungwon and slept
Jake:Jakey wanna join

Niki;three babies in a bed

And we tucked the three of them and they slept
Me: finally it's their naptime

They nodded as we went out slowly
Heeseung;so what should we do?



We went to the garden to relax for a bit

(A/N:is everyone still alive when Enhypen released 'Very Good's Dance practice lately? Well I'm still malfunctioning but I think I'm not ok,so might as well dig my grave a bit early now byeee)

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