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Sunoo's P.O.V
I was just packing up the last suitcase of my things,since we have to move to the Castle Of Dusk later I went to the throne room seeing Eomma and Appa with Daniel
Daniel:hey hyung!

Eomma:my ddeonu will move to His own castle

Me:Eomma you can visit us there

Daniel:just leave her to me hyung,you don't have to worry

I nodded and hugged daniel as I saw jungwon

Me:have you packed everything?


Eomma:My babies~

Eomma engulfed us in a bone crushing hug
Appa:honey your killing them

Eomma:o-oh sorry

Eomma let go and we giggled
Eomma:now now, let's get your things to the limo so that you can see the others especially Wonie's handsome boyfriend's

Jungwon blushed and rushed upstairs
Daniel:he will get the hang of it

Geonu:kinda true

We saw geonu hyung inside?!

Eomma:oh hello you must be Prince Geonu?

Geonu:yep,sorry if I didn't tell you Queen Sooyeon

Eomma:oh daniel already Told me

Geonu:oh okie,so should we get going?


We saw jungwon went downstairs and we smiled

We went to the limo after waving our parents goodbye
Geonu: necklaces?

Me:we got them already

We showed our necklaces and he smiled he snapped his fingers and we were at a forest
Daniel:Castle Of dusk's location,in the past this is the place where the Nature/Earth element first seen hiding the necklaces

Jungwon:why would that person hide these?

Geonu: Castle of Dawn,the castle will strike again jungwon be prepared that castle broke the Castle of Dusk years ago before you guys were born

Me:so it's us whom they want?


We arrived seeing Jasuke
Jay:oh Wonie


They hugged each other and I looked at sunghoon hyung blushing,I remembered when I was still in my baby form I confessed to him
Jake:gosh where are the lee brothers?

Geonu:oh they are still bickering about what clothes they are going to wear

Jay:aish seungie always have fashion sense

Me:just like you and jungwon

I said and we saw two dark figures appeared infront of us

Heeseung:sorry we're late

I just noticed we have the same clothes

I just noticed we have the same clothes

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