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Heeseung's P.O.V
I looked over to jungwon's shoulder and gasped I forgot he still has something pierced in him
Me: Wonie c'mon

Jungwon:I-I can heal myself hyungie

Me:no you-

Jungwon:Sunflower droplet of life

A giant sunflower appeared infront of us making the others look at our direction and Jay held his stab wound,a droplet dropped down jungwon's head and it healed his wound,I sighed in relief

Me:you ok now?

Jungwon:yep,the sunflower droplet of life can even heal any wounds or diseases if it's not vulnerable

Jake:so that's why

Sunoo:why did you make my own favorite flower a spell huh?

Jungwon:hyung we made a combo move out if a freaking sunflower

Sunoo:so? You didn't inform me before hand

Jungwon:why should I?

Daniel:woah woah woah hyungs do we have to listen to your bickering?,

Sunwon:Should you be interupting our convo?

They both looked at Daniel and I stifled my laughter,we saw Daniel pout and we giggled
Sunoo:*sigh*we should go and have dinner

Jay:yeah we should

Serim:we will go ahead I have to help the others pack their things and some of the things I left


Jungwon:you sure?

Serim:we will be fine,we better get going

Serim hyung snapped his fingers and they were out of our sight
Geonu:we should get going too bye you two

Me:bye geonu

Sunoo:dani~ c'mon were sorry

Jungwon:dani~ c'mon baby bro~

We looked at sunoo,jungwon and Daniel seeing them following Daniel as Daniel pouting and walking around
Jay:are we just gonna let them?

Me:just let them be babe,Wonie looks like a real baby

Jay:Yah correction our baby

Me:yeah yeah

I started walking away,when I heard him shout
Jay:no cuddles!

I looked at him and ran to him
Me:Yah~ don't take away my cuddles

Jay: that's what I thought

He kissed my forehead and I giggled
Jake: Love birds

Ni-Ki:am I a joke hyung?

We giggled at Jake and ni-ki while the sunsun couple kept bickering while hugging each other,I giggled until I remembered aera's body is still stone


Jay looked at me and Wonie
Me: aera's body

I pointed at her body and she was still a stone
Jay:oh yeah guards!

The guards went to us
Jay:put her into the dungeon don't throw her hard,ok we have more things to settle and make sure the cell is perfectly guarded alright?

The guards nodded getting her body going to the dungeon
Jake:I think we should all rest


Jungwon:oh yeah when is Serim hyungs crowning?

Sunghoon:maybe next month? I don't know Eomma and Appa haven't told us or gave us an invitation

Ni-Ki:so we are all invited?

Jay:yeah like why? They are you guys' future in-laws

Me and jungwon blushed and he giggled
Jake: don't get shy baby

Sunghoon: ddeonu*giggles*


Geonu:oh before I forget you can transform into animals aish Daniel just freaking told me

Jungwon:where did you come from?

Daniel:from our cuddling session

Daniel blushed and they teleported back to where they came from

Sunghoon:I swear they kept popping out of nowhere like really

Me:oh hush

Then until Geonu came back with a book and with a tiny seal on his shoulder a thunder one I guess
Geonu:hey sorry my pet just hatched out,I want to give you this

He gave jungwon the book and we looked at him confused
Jay:hatched out?

Geonu:ah hehe we forgot to tell you,you guys will have pets that represents you

(A/N:pls someone tell me which animal Geonu,Daniel and the Cravity members represent I'm planning on changing Geonu's if I ever got it wrong)

Jungwon:why does your seal.....

Geonu:have thunder bolts,well little nugget over here is a thunder type hamster which is very rare since thunder powers are rare and while you guys' powers are common but intensely powerful so I guess you guys will have legendary,so better go or I will see a sulking Daniel waiting for his cuddle session

He disappeared and I facepalmed
Ni-Ki:he really did nickname his hamster nugget like really?

Jungwon:why what's wrong?

JUNGWON said looking into the book with Jay
Jake:what are you guys looking at?

Jungwon:the book obviously,but yeah woah these animals are so cool like really

I looked over seeing a wind type deer
Jungwon:the deer looks like heeseungie hyung

Jay:I can see that also you came across this page

We saw various types of cats
Jay:Nature/Earth type cat is legendary too

Jake:yeah kinda true

We heard this noises seeing 6 more books on the floor,I sat a note falling and I catched it
Me:'sorry you guys have each copies,I forgot alright?!' Geonu

I facepalmed
Ni-Ki:is our hyung that old

Geonu:no I'm not!

We heard his voice and looked at the back and rolled our eyes when he disappeared


Jay:climb my back Wonie

Jungwon shook his head and we saw sunoo asleep in Sunghoon's arms
Jay:ok baby Wonie

I looked over seeing him asleep on jay's arms
Jake:we better go night guys


We went upstairs to our room and Jay placed jungwon on the bed and I got changed and laid beside jungwon
Jay:night you two

Me:night love

I closed my arms and I felt a kiss on my forehead a goodnight after,I smiled and went off to Dreamland

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