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Sunoo's P.O.V
I woke up and felt an arm around my waist,looking behind me I saw Sunghoon hyung still asleep I smiled and carefully removed his arm around my waist. I went out of the room after changing into my clothes and saw a fox laying at the stairs I woke it up and the fox yawned making me coo
Me:hello there umm what's your name?

???:oh hello Prince Sunoo,I'm your pet for now on I'm Sunshine a Light Fox

I grabbed my book and gasped
Me:your the legendary Light Fox eekkk your cuter than I thought

I hugged him and started caressing his head
Sunshine:thank you your Majesty

Me:now what do you say we wait for the others and have breakfast?


I smiled and sat at the stairs,he layed on my lap
Me:so where are the other pets?

Sunshine:oh them......well


We looked where the voice were and saw the other pets

A cat ran up to sunshine hugging him
Eden:where were u?

Sunshine:oh I got tired of you guys bickering and slept on the stairs until I found my owner!

They looked at me

Eden: Prince Sunoo good morning

I cooed
Me:morning to you too!

Sunshine:Your Majesty they are my friends! Eden the cat,he acts like my brother but yeah a stubborn one

Eden:hi! And YAH sunshine!

Sunshine:and the eagle is Phoenix

Phoenix:good day Your majesty

Sunshine:and the dog is Lyala

Lyala:good day


I caressed her fur and smiled
Sunshine:and the Penguin is Snow

Snow:Good morning

Me:morning to you too

Sunshine:the Puma is-

The puma Beated sunshine
???:I'm Leo good morning

Sunshine:yah! You disrespectful maknae

I giggled and signalled sunshine to come to me,he went to my arms and I caressed in between his ears
Sunshine:and the deer is Ace

Me:hey ace!



I looked behind me seeing the rest
Jay:why are there animals surrounding you? And why are they different elements?

Me:guys these are your pets

They gasped and jungwon ran down and got the cat
Jungwon:awwww this one is a cutie,wanna help me make some new plants?

Eden:I'd love to!

Jungwon cooed

Jungwon: What's your name?


Jungwon smiled and the others went to us,Snow went behind me
Sunghoon:hmm who's the penguin?

Me:snow it's alright he won't hurt you

Snow:you sure?

I nodded
Me:he is my boyfriend

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