Ground Breaking Strike (Chapter 22)

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2 November 2022, in Hoenn,

*Third Person POV*

It was a regular day in the southwestern part of the region, nothing out of the ordinary had happened in the region for a good 3 weeks which made the residents of the region quite edgy. No signs of malicious activity, no signs of Ultra Beasts, and no comfort within the headquarters of the Hoenn Ultra Guardians codenamed HUG.

"Ugh this is so boring!" The young trainer exclaimed with frustration from sitting still in an office chair for the past 30 minutes.

"Shut it Max, at least you don't have to manage all the paperwork and reports." An older woman fired back with irritation in her voice, she had been sick and tired of the whining her little brother had kept spewing.

"Hey! At least I know how to write reports and actually do my assigned work instead of procrastinating!" The oxford blue haired teen exclaimed.

"Seems you need another lesson in respecting your superiors!" The light brown haired woman yelled, as she stood up with her fists ready to throw some punches.

"For a bunch of gym leader heirs, you guys sure lack maturity." A green haired colored man stated before sighing, he had originally lifted his head above the fashion magazine he was reading but quickly moved his eyes back down. As he had just seen 2 devilish eyes glaring at him. The fourth party in the room to let out a sigh at how immature his friends were sometimes.

"Can you guys relax for a while, we have paperwork to finish before we go on patrol in a few hours. So it's best if we just drop whatever we are doing and get this over and done with in time for lunch without any delays." The beanie wearing male advised, as he sat down with his mug of tea. The group let out a sigh and just got back to work, it was a tiring schedule for them despite it being the weekend. They were called back today since Steven was out of the region for a meeting with some of the other Champions for an important discussion and planning of a new system to counter the Ultra Beasts.

Everyone was feeling some minor burnout but none other than the leader himself. Brendan had taken great initiative to lead the group by giving out small orders while taking some of his free time to research about all current affairs in the world. Unlike his friends who are mainly interested in fashion and coordinating except for Max who is just more into battling. The community had been on edge over the past few weeks, not many dared venture out into the public as often as they usually did. Ultra Beasts hadn't been making any advancements in the region or any that the HUG were aware of. However, daily patrols are still present with the Pokémon police making efforts to comfort the region ever since the last attack in Slateport just a month prior.He let out a quiet sigh as he cleared his mind of thoughts and got back to work.

*2 hours later*

"Finally that's over and done with!" The bandana wearing women exclaimed while stretching her arms behind her back.

"Ye-" The green haired tried to reply but was cut off by his own yawn.

"And said you weren't tired at all." The glasses wearing trainer stated in an ironic tone.

"Keyword was." He replied before letting out yet another yawn.

"Ye ye keep talking." The woman responded.

"Hey at least I didn't-"


"What was that?" The three conscious ones thought, as they flicked their heads behind. It was Brendan, but his body had fallen onto the grass patch.

"Uh what happened?" The oxford blue haired trainer questioned, confused why his friend just randomly collided with the ground.

"No clue, I was with you." The green haired trainer responded, a confused look was too written on his face.

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