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A/N: Sorry no Peter in this chapter! Just a chapter about yourself and background prior to moving to NYC. Peter will be in the next chapter!

(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/N/N) - Your Nickname
(F/C) - Favourite Colour
*Mon Chaton - My kitty

Happy reading! Alli x
Written 30/3/21, WC: 2246


[ (Y/N)'s POV ]

"Alright, that's the last of it." I mutter to myself, zipping my luggage closed and dusting my hands off.

One more day.

One more day until I have to leave this place that I have called 'home' for the past sixteen years of my life. Thanks to my father, I'm moving to New York because he was offered a job at some big company. Stark Industries, or something.

I glance at my now-empty bedroom. It was the same as when I just moved in, the walls were a blinding white, and the floor was rid of any dust. After I leave, another person is going to stay in this bedroom. As if I was never here to begin with.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" A ball of red comes flies up to me. Her blue eyes shimmering in worry. I crack a smile at her and pat her head.

"Yeah. Just overthinking, I guess."

"About moving or leaving Chat Noir alone to protect Paris?"

I shrug. "Both. Who's going to purify the akumas without me around?"

Tikki flies closer to my face and hugs my cheek gently. "I'm sure that Chat will be fine, (Y/N). Master Fu said that he upgraded Chat's Miraculous." I sigh, agreeing with her.

"I hope so Tikki. Chat and I have always been a team, and I hate leaving things to him to deal with alone."

"You'll be in New York just for a little while, (Y/N). Two years will fly by quickly and before you know it; you'll be back in France for university!" Tikki exclaims, zooming around my form. My eyes follow her as she flies around, giggling at her antics.

"You're right Tikki."

"You know I am!"


I sat on a roof, dangling my legs off the edge as I watched the cars drive by on the road. Even at 2AM, people were still busy as ever.

I hear the familiar sound of a metal pole smacking into the ground and footsteps that got increasingly louder by the second. I whip my head around to face my partner; the other half of the duo.

"Princess," Chat Noir greets as he picks up my hand, gracefully giving it a kiss. I laugh lightly, pulling my hand away from him. Even after being partners for years, he is still as flirtatious.

He frowns seeing my perplexed expression. "Is something the matter?"

I let out a sigh. I have to tell him now. It wouldn't be fair on him otherwise.

"Chat.. You know that we've always been a team, right?"

He nods and tilts his head, the bell on his neck making a soft jingle. His green eyes brims with curiosity as he searches my face for answers. I press my together into a thin line, holding my breath for a split-second before continuing.

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