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*Merde - means 'shit' in French
Written on 10/4/21, WC: 1585


[ 2nd Person POV ]

"Merde.." You cursed in French after detransforming behind a building. Tikki placed herself onto your shoulder unsteadily, exhausted from her powers being used. "What's wrong?" She asked woozily.

"Nothing, Tikki. Just a little sore after that fight." You replied as you look around a corner, checking if it was clear to walk out of the dark alleyway you were hiding in. Safe.

You briskly walked out, jogging slightly as you tried to get a grip on your surroundings. Being in Queens for less than a week has proved to be the source for your current problem; you were lost.

"Merde." You cursed for the second time in the past five minutes, turning around in a circle as you tried to get a grip on where you were. You spotted the familiar sign, now lit-up, vibrantly contrasting the dark undertones of your surroundings.
Delmar's Deli-Grocery, the sign said.

You sighed in relief. You were just a short ten minute walk from home, at most. You glanced at the snoozing Tikki on your shoulder and picked her up, placing her in the pocket of your shirt and started your short journey home.

A small smile was plastered onto your face as you walked. You recalled the fight from a moment ago, and that you met Spiderman. Not as (Y/N), but rather as Ladybug. Though you could not see his face, you could practically feel the curiosity etched onto his face. Just pure, childlike curiosity. Nothing harmful, and you thought it was cute.


Just as you were about to enter the apartment complex building, a rather fancy looking car pulls up on the road next to you. The car reminds you of the one that Adrien was always picked up by after school. Probably someone rich owned this car.

You watched as the car door swung open, revealing a familiar boy with a brown curly mop for hair. "Thanks, Happy!" Peter called, turning back and giving a wave as he shut the door. He watched the car silently drive away, not noticing you observing him.

He turns to face the apartment complex, nearly jumping out of him skin in surprise as he sees you.

"(Y/N)!" He yells, putting a hand over his heart. He exhaled shakily, and notices his other hand outstretched in the 'rock and roll' sign pointing outwards. His breath hitched, it was the hand sign he does in order to shoot webs. He was practically about to shoot out a web in surprise.

He sighed in relief, immediately pulling his arm down. Thank goodness he did not shoot a web, otherwise he would have so much explaining to do.

You laughed at his reaction, doubling over and wrapped your arms around yourself. "What the hell, Peter? Who poses like that after being scared?" You ask, finally getting a grip on yourself and wiped the tears from your eyes.

Peter scratches the back of his neck, flushing in embarrassment. "Well, you scared me!" He protests, crossing his arms and huffs jokingly. You let out another laugh and pat his shoulder. "Sorry. It wasn't intentional. I was about to enter then I saw you exit the car that pulled up."

Peter returns your smile, accepting your apology. "Why were you out so late at night?" He asked.

You hummed, trying to find an explanation. "I well- Uh.." You stammered, the gears in your head turning at a quick pace as you searched for something reasonable. You snapped your fingers, finding the answer.

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