Chapter 1

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***If anyone is uncomfortable with a slight age difference please do not read***

Never have I ever been in love. Oh how I ached to be loved. To be held in the arms of someone who truly cared and longed the feeling of my touch. To be looked right in the eyes and be told, 'I love you.' ... Love.

Oh Adelaide quit daydreaming.

The sunlight illuminated my bedroom. It was a brand new day, but for me all my days were the same. I laid in my bed, happily intertwined in my white bed sheets. I reached for my phone and checked the time.


Why did I wake up so late?

It was Monday but I was home schooled. Mother has the tutor visit me on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I didn't mind of course. I do wish I had some more friends though, I really only have one. I slowly lifted my exhausted body out of bed.

Why was I so tired?

Coffee. That's what I need. A delicious scorching cup of joe. I walked past my mirror and noticed that my olive skin tone looked paler than usual. Not good. My dark brunette hair was a complete mess. My lips chapped. I decided that I am much too tried to care so I leave my bed room in search of my familys maid.


I didn't like addressing her as a maid. She was more like a beloved family nanny I suppose. But I wasn't a child anymore. Henrietta practically raised me. I loved her. I considered her a part of the family.

"Yes Miss. Hannesburg?" Henrietta responded as she rushed to my side.

"Make me a cup of coffee, pretty please. No creamer this time just a drizzle of honey"

She nodded and headed to the kitchen. I walked across the cold granite floors of the penthouse and entered my living room. The fireplace was on and I could hear the soothing crackling noise from the roaring fire. I sat and leaned back on the cream colored couch. I closed my eyes and then I heard the infamous sound of Louboutins heels ascending the marble staircase... Mother.

My mother and I have a pretty normal relationship. Nothing special. I wish we were closer, but I guess you could say I'm a daddy's girl, even though Dad is rarely home.

My mother is feared by many. Her Hispanic roots brought out her naturally fiery personality. She is one of the most powerful women in New York. I envied her.

"Darling, I'm off to a meeting so I'll be home later tonight. I made some reservations for dinner at La Granouille."

Wow. Mother actually wants to spend time with me. We haven't spent real time together in months. I didn't count the social benefits and balls we were forced to attend.

Also, La Grenouille was my favorite French restaurant in Manhattan. Tonight is going to be special.

I smiled but I didn't look at her. I kept my eyes on the burning fire. "Sounds good. See you tonight"

Mother sighed and walked over to me and kissed my forehead she pulled away and just looked down at me. She huffed again then finally left. What was that about?

Henrietta came over and handed me my mug of coffee. I grasped my pale hands around the cup and put it up to me nose. I inhaled deeply. Oh I loved the rich aroma of coffee. I stood up and walked over to the large arched window and stared at the breathtaking view of Central Park.

So many great memories have taken place at that park. When I was a child Henrietta took me there to feed the pigeons. That was back when I played dress up and Barbies.

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