Chapter 3

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**Leo's POV**

She was gorgeous. But i knew i practically had no chance with an Upper East Sider. I'm just a poor kid from Queens. I couldn't stop thinking about her eyes.

Get it together, Leo.

It was so cold outside. I was wearing a short sleeve shirt. I probably should have asked for my sweater back. I put my frigid hands in my jean pockets and i began to walk back into the city. I saw the entrance to the subway and I picked up my pace. I hurriedly walked down the concrete stairs that led underground to the subway. I pulled out my pass and ran it through the sensors.

I sat on a cold metal bench. There was no one else around. I liked that though.

Finally my train came around and i happily hopped on. It was so much warmer in here. I took a seat and looked around. Empty. I shut my eyes and tried to relax.

I've been up since 4am.

After a few stops my train made it home to Queens. I couldn't wait to get into my bed.

I walked back out into the harsh darkness of New York and i began to head home. I decided to take a short cut through a small park. I could see my building.

It was small, rundown, and old. Classic Queens. Someone had knocked over our garbage can and there was old food and trash, everywhere. Shit. I picked up as much as i could. I unlocked my front door.

"Ma?" I say as I open the creaky door.I scanned the small apartment. "Jesus, Ma" I whispered. There she was, her head lay on the dinning table. She must have been asleep writing job applications. Ma's trying to look for a second job. A pen was in her hand. I softly nudge her shoulder.

"Ma, wake up. Come one, you gotta go to bed"

"Leonardo, is that you, honey?" she says, exhausted, as she slowly lifts up her head. "what time is it? I closed my eyes to rest a bit, i must have fallen asleep"

"Its almost 3 in the morning, Ma. Let me help you get to bed" I grab her arm and help her out of the chair. I lead her to her bedroom and she quickly goes over to lay down. I cover her up with a couple of old blankets.

"Goodnight, sweetie" she whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

"Night. Don't forget you got work bright and early tomorrow" I remind her. Ma nods and I kiss her forehead. I quietly walk out and close the door. I head down the hallway to my room.

My Mom was all the family i had left. My dead beat of a father left us when i was 3. All she does is work, but its to keep a roof over heads and food on the table. She truly was a strong woman.

I took off my shirt and pants and threw them in the hamper. I fell into bed and i started thinking of her... Adelaide. Even her name was beautiful. She was so shy but i liked that. Shes the opposite of what girls are like over here in Queens.

I closed my eyes and dozed off.

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