Chapter 2

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I froze and slowly looked up. My eyes were red and puffy. Tears ran down my cold cheeks. A tall, light haired, boy stood in front of me. This stranger wore light jeans and a black hoodie sweater. He was quite handsome actually.

"Y-yes, I'm alright" I let out, quietly.

"You don't seem alright. You look cold, here take this" the light haired boy lifted his sweater off his body and held it out for me to grab. I was shivering. Should I take it? I don't even know this person. God. I gradually reached for the sweater that appeared warm. As I grabbed it, my hand made slight contact with his. His hands were cold also. I felt bad. I slipped on the sweater. It was warm inside and I let out a sigh as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Thank you so much.. Um."

"Leo. My name is Leo" he smiles a warm smile.

"Leo.. Thank you" I let out and return a smile. "What are doing out so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing" he laughs and looks at my out of place outfit, "I just got off work, what about you, Miss?"

"Um, well I was actually just about to head back so I guess I'll be going now" i say as an excuse to not answer, "you must want your sweater back?" I stand up from the bench as I begin to take it off.

"No. Keep it. I got plenty more. Oh, I um never got your name.." He bites his bottom lip softly and puts his hands in pant pockets.

"Adelaide" I smile "it was nice meeting you, Leo" I turn around and begin to walk quickly towards my apartment. I really didn't want to go back though.

"Hey! Wait up. Let me walk you back" he jogs over to my side and looks down on me. He was quite tall, or maybe I'm just really short. "Central Park can get pretty dangerous at night"

"You don't have to walk me home. I can manage" I laugh and look up at him. "Do you live in Manhattan?"

"Nope. Queens. What about you, Adelaide?" He wraps his arms around his chest.

"Right there. The very top" I point to the penthouse of the building on the other side of the park.

"Wow an upper east side Princess. Must be nice livin' up there, huh?" He teases and nudges me with his elbow. I laughed but I didn't reply.

Who is this boy? He doesn't even know me. Why was he being so kind to me?

"Well, Adelaide, how old are you?" Leo asks. "17" I reply quietly since I knew he must've have been a bit older. "Oh and you can call me Addie if you'd like"

"Alright, Addie. And I'm 20 by the way" Leo says nonchalantly, it seemed as if he didn't care I was 17. Yay, maybe he won't treat me like a child like everyone else does. "Do you go to one of the private schools around here?" He questioned.

"Nope. I'm actually home schooled. I know, pretty lame, right?" I laugh and move a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Nah, not lame at all" he adds. We kept on walking. We admired the beautiful Manhattan skyline as we made small talk. I enjoyed his company though. Leo was polite and funny. His laugh was contagious. His smile was one that you could never forget, it was perfect.

After walking and conversing for another 20 minutes we finally made it to the apartment. The outside of the building was beautifully built and quite extravagant. I believe it was constructed in the early 1920's? It was late so there was no door man, only a couple of security men patroling around the building. We stopped and looked at each other before I went in.

"Wow. Nice place. Definitely the opposite of my place over in Queens" he laughs and looks up at the tall building.

"I hope this doesnt sound too creepy... I'd really like to see you again, I work in a pizza joint about 15 minutes away from here so I'm on the island almost everyday. Maybe we can walk around Central Park some more? but this time not at midnight" He chuckles and I could tell he was a bit nervous as he rubs the back of his neck.

I feel my cheeks burning and they must be bright red. "Yeah of course, I- um I'm free tomorrow afternoon.." Who am I kidding? I'm free every afternoon, every day to be honest.

"Okay, perfect, I don't work tomorrow. Can I come around noon?" He implies with a big goofy smile. "If that's too early we can set a different time, I was just hoping we could enjoy most of the sun while we can. It's been getting dark early now."

"Sounds perfect" I reply "see you tomorrow, Leo" I awkwardly bite my lip and slowly turn around and open the big glass doors, I turn around one last time and wave goodbye to the blue eyed boy. He waves back and walks again into the chilly New York night. I smile like an idiot the whole way back up to my apartment. Once I enter my room I jump onto my bed like a child. "A date? Am I actually going on a date??" I say to myself. Wait. What if this isn't a date? Maybe he just wants to hang out. Who cares, I know I won't be able to stop thinking about him. I was too excited to be tired but I knew I needed to get some rest.

I close my eyes as I replay my encounter with Leo over and over in my head.

What's gotten into me?

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