Chapter 4

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"When we first met I had no idea you would be so important to me"

**Adelaids POV**


My round eyes opened up slowly, I woke up with an unexpected energy and I liked it. I almost forgot about the stunt mother pulled last night. Leo was on my mind.

I looked outside, today's weather was a bit gloomy. Large grey clouds spread over the sky, I looked down at the street and sidewalk, it seemed damp. I guess it rained. Perfect. I lifted up my small frame and I looked over to my clock. What am I doing up at 7? I chuckled softly to myself.

I'll leave Henrietta alone this morning. I leave my room and look around the empty apartment, my mothers things on the ground. I definitely don't want to see her today.

I only want to see him...

He was like a dream. I wonder how I kept my cool while being in the presence of such a beautiful human being. Why was I so comfortable with someone I had just met? How strange.

I made my way to the large silver refrigerator, I opened it swiftly. My whole body was slightly illuminated by the bright light inside the fridge. It was quite beautiful actually as I looked through the the assortment of food. I reached for the bowl of fresh berries, I carried it to the dark granite kitchen counter.

I began to feast on the sweet berries and my mind went straight back to Leo. What was I going to wear? How should I do my hair? Would it be too much if I wore makeup? Ugh why was this "dating" thing so complicated? I bet this isn't even a date, I doubted. Good, so does that mean I should be less worried? Yeah that's exactly what it means, I think.

Before I realized, I finished the whole bowl of fruit. I placed the dish in the sink and I sped walked to my room. I ran onto my bed and I began to jump around happily, what's wrong with me?!

A cute boy wants to spend time with me! Me? I smiled big as his lovely face never left my mind, I tried to push away the thoughts of my drunken mother.

Not even she could ruin this moment.


It was almost time. It was 11:38 to be exact. I decided my look for this afternoon would be casual. I didn't want to dress up for a stroll in the park. I thought lightwash mom jeans and a nice sweater would be just fine. I sprayed my favorite perfume lightly over my body.

"Miss. Hannesburg? The doorman says that there's someone here for you... A boy?" Henrietta says as she opens my bedroom door, raising an eyebrow. My cheeks begin to burn.

"Thank you, Henrietta!"

I look at myself one last time in the mirror. I glance at the wavy dark brown hair that flowed down my back, my bare face, and my simple outfit before I quickly walk to the elevator. I say goodbye to a confused Henrietta and I headed down to my extravagant lobby.

He was there. Smiling. Wow.

Leo's longish hair pushed back; his eyes seemed tired but he smiled on. He wore tan slacks with a burgundy pull over sweater and a beat up pair of sneakers. Gosh, he looked so handsome.

Leo raised his large hand and awkwardly waved my direction. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle.


***Leo's POV***

I fumbled with my hands nervously as I waited patiently in the fancy lobby. It was heavily furnished with lavish couches and expensive art. Jeese, it would be a dream to live here.

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