Chapter 1~ Fight for My Hand

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        I breathed in the fresh salty air as we sailed in our ship to Sindria, my silver hair flowing in the gentle breeze. I reached my arms out like a bird, stretching them outward. "Balendin, are you feeling better since I kept the water from swaying the boat?" I turned around, letting my arms drop. My second in command, Airavata walked over to me with a grin. "Yes, I am feeling much better, I regret that I am not very used to water." He was my land's best water mage and one of my closest friends. I laughed, rubbing the back of my head. It was awkward to let him see me so sick, I almost thought I was going to die. "It is a little amazing that someone with such control over their muscles, can have so little control over their organs." Airavata mocked, patting me on my back lightly. "Maybe you should take me up on that offer to teach you some water magic?" He laughed, swishing some water around with his finger.
        "Lets just forget that happened, how far are we from Sindria?" I asked, trying to avoid eye contact with him and the water. Just thinking about the water swaying made my stomach churn. "Not too far, but are you sure you want to seek out this Barbarian-" "Gladiator." I corrected quickly, giving him a sharp glare. "I mean Gladiator, but still, wouldn't you prefer someone of....I don't know, higher standards?" This was not the first time Airvata had brought up his concerns and it was starting to annoy me. "There are so many princes who have already asked for your hand." He said in a futile attempt to persuade me, yet again. I know he only wants the best for me, but I was not interested in princes who do not even fight their own battles. I wanted a real man who could protect and fight with me.
        "You know father wants only the best to fight in this tournament and this man is the best." I said, crossing my arms with a huff. "Your father also doesn't know you left, do you know how much trouble my brother and I will get in when we return?!" I smirked a little thinking about the face my father will make when he realizes I was gone, but Airvata had a deeply sickened face knowing he would get more punishment than me. "This isn't funny Balendin, what if he is not what he is cracked up to be and we end up coming all the way out here for nothing?" I scoffed turning away from him. "He is a Fanalis, he will not be a mere pushover. Besides, I will test him myself!" I said clashing my knuckles into my palm, it had been awhile since I had a good fight and what better then to have one with a fabled Red Lion. "You really do not mean to fight him, do you?" Airvata asked with a heavy sigh before turning with a sudden displeased look. "We are here." Airvata said as I felt a sudden rock of the ship. "Finally." I mumbled under my breath. Airavata must have heard since he snickered. I jumped off the ship, stretching out without noticing the company coming towards me.
        Airvata walked up beside me with Ariyday, my third. "My lady you shouldn't jump off of the boat, you could seriously injure yourself." Ariyday said, examining me closely for any sign of injury. Ariday is Airvata's younger brother, and our fire mage, who accidentally turned himself into a lion looking being. How? Nobody really knows but him, and he refuses to tell. Either way, it increased his strength and made him much bigger than his older brother. "Eh, who care. I'm tough. Like a small jump like that would hurt me." I replied stretching some more. "My lady, it is our largest boat. That is not a simple jump!" Ariyday exclaimed with a sigh and sweat drop. "My lady, what will I do with you?"
        "Well I had heard of the arrival of some Singri royalty, but I never thought that they would actually come all the way out here." I turned to a purple haired man I presumed to be Sinbad since he was glittered with gold that no mere merchant would own. Several others followed him, I counted eight to be exact. Most of them looked very powerful, but the redhead stuck out the most. "May I ask what business you have here?" He asked, stopping a couple feet from me. "Hello King Sinbad, my name is Airavata, the Princess's second in command. We are on business with our Princess. Her father has asked for her to be engaged within the month." Airavata bowed explaining. "Well than, if that is the case, I am not looking to get married. I mean don't get me wrong, she is gorgeous, but if she wants to get a drink with me later I would be more than happy to. " Sinbad winked, with a large smirk. "Ha, she has no interest in you." Ariyday laughed out loudly holding his stomach, nearly roaring in laughter. Sinbad's face dropped in disappointment. "Than who are you looking for!?" Airvata and Ariyday both pointed to the red haired man beside him. "What, Masrur? why him?!" Sinbad exclaimed looking all around Masrur, as if to look for something special about him. Sinbad's other companions seemed equally confused, if not more.
        "Because, I am only to marry the strongest." I said, stomping the ground, breaking it underneath my foot and getting into a fighting stance. "Now fight me for your right to participate for my hand, Masrur!"
        Masrur shook his head, "I will not fight a woman." He replied, I gritted my teeth in frustration. "Fine, than I shall bring the fight to the man!" I exclaimed, kicking him in the blink of an eye. My kick hit him with such force it shattered his chest plate. He did not move a inch, but the ground beneath him shattered. "I would suggest backing up, things tend to get messy when she fights." Airvata said with a sigh, jumping into the nearby forest with Ariyday. Sinbad's face dropped to a slightly sullen expression. "Not again!" He yelled running off, knowing of the outcome of the land around their fight.
"Fine than so be it." Masrur said, grabbing my leg and tried to throw me. I flipped midair, landing on my feet gracefully. "Only the best can participate in the battle for my hand, but I wanted to seek out only the best man. I refuse to have a man at my side who is not stronger than I." I said running at him again, swinging my right leg. He blocked it with his arm as I swung around kicking him with my left, managing to land a blow that hardly made him flinch. Masrur went for a punch while I was still in midair, but I grabbed his arm, pulling myself forward and went for a dual kick to his chest, but before I could land it, he grabbed my legs with his free hand. "Why choose me?" He asked, looking me straight in the eyes as I hang upside down. I smirked seeing an opportunity. I rose to meet his face and kissing him. Out of pure surprise he loosened his grip, giving me enough room to slip out, throwing myself off him. "Because I heard you were the strongest gladiator and very skilled in hand to hand combat. I only fight hand to hand so any other way would be considered cheating." I said crouching, sliding my foot across the ground. "Besides, you are a cutie. Now stop holding back." I commanded holding my position. I was done antagonizing him, it was his turn to attack.
        Masrur sighed closing his eyes before opening them with a deadly intent. I grinned, finally I was going to have a real fight. He came at me just as quickly as I did at him the first time. He plunged a fist directly at my torso. I managed to block it with my leg, forcing him across my body. I could feel the pressure of his fist across me, tearing some of my clothing. It sent chills down my spine. 'Is this what it meant to really fight!?' I could feel my blood flowing as I fought with him, adrenaline pumping as I kicked. It was invigorating to finally have a match.
        I threw myself backwards off of one of his punches. "I have never fought this hard." I said, breathing heavily. He stared at me with his cold crimson eyes in a fighting stance, ready to take another hit. "I am enjoying it." I mumbled going for another kick, but before I could make contact, he threw another punch. I leaned back, nearly touching the ground. His punch barely grazing me, but the force blew through my clothes obliterating the top of my robes.

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