Chapter 2

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Tony's POV-

It's nearly 1:30 am and Peter's still not back from the patrol.
I swear this kid's gonna give me grey hairs.
"Boss, it appears that mini stark has entered the tower." FRIDAY'S voice comes out of the speakers and I chuckle to myself about the nickname. Mini Stark suits him.

I make my way to the common room to have a chat with Peter about his curfew.
"It's time you decided to show- Peter! Are you okay?" I see Peter passed out on the floor next to the couch, spiderman suit mask in his hands.

I rushed to his side.

"Peter? Kiddo? Answer me. FRIDAY call Bruce to the common room now!"
"Already did."
I search him for any injuries. His right arm is bad injured and there's a big gash on his forehead. Other than that are just some bruises which will heal overnight due to his fast healing factor.
"Tony what happ- oh god. Take him to the infirmary." I sighed in releif when I heard Bruce's voice.

We got Peter patched up in no time.

I don't like the look of my kid in bandages at all.
"Hey Bambino." I said softly ruffling his hair with my hand. He seemed to open his eyes slowly and looked at me with his doe eyes.
I smiled at him.

"Who are you?"
Came his raspy voice.


Peter's POV-

I opened my eyes and felt a shooting pain in my arm. I groaned and looked at my arm which was now patched up in bandages. I remember fighting those criminals and getting shot as they ran away from the scene.

I saw the time on the digital clock. 5:54 am. "Peter?" I looked to my left and saw dad sitting beside my bed.
"Dad?" At this he immediately came and hugged me like I was gonna go somewhere.


Okay so I learned from dad that when I gained conciousness last night I wasn't able to recognize anybody, not even dad which made him terrified and bla bla bla...
And now I'm getting pampered by all of the avengers. The incident definitely gave an impact on them because-

"Peter don't use your right hand too much, let it heal first." Dad said.
"Hey kiddo did you liked the pancakes? I know these are your favourites. Do you want more?" That came from Uncle Steve.
"Do you want me to feed you Pete?" Dad offers.

So yeah because they are being too protective of me. I mentally sighed.

"Okay dad I won't use my right hand until it is fully healed. And yes Uncle Steve I liked the pancakes, thank you for making them for me and no I don't think I'm gonna eat more. And no dad I'm almost finished so there's no need to-"

"Hey Pete."
"Hey.... Clint?" I turned around and saw Clint with a lots, and I mean lots of get well soon balloons.
"Why are you... carrying them?" I said pointing towards the balloons which were touching the way too high ceiling. We had high ceiling because I sometimes... Uh.. walk there.
"To make you feel better! Here I bought your favourite chocolates too!" He said handling me the box of chocolates.
".. Thank.. You?"

"Hey Pete how's your head? Does it hurt too much? Or not at all? Do you need pain killers? Did you take the medicine I gave you early?" Now this time it was Bruce.
"No Uncle Bruce my head feels fine I don't need any painkillers and I was just going to take the meds after Breakfast." I answered to his Questions.

Seriously though they are being too protective.

Wanda entered the room with Aunt Nat.
"Hey Pete how-"
"Yes I'm FINE! My arm doesn't hurt too much and I don't need anything else."
"..... okay." Wanda said after blinking.

Okay it's official all the avengers have gone into Parenting Mode.
Which. I. don't. like. At. All.

"Okay Pete. Time to rest." Dad said breaking the silence.
"Seriously dad? I just woke up like 1 hour ago." I whined.
"And I also don't feel like resting at all. Can I go to the interns lab pleaseeeeeee?" I said giving him the puppy dog eyes which work every time.
"And I also missed the fieldtrip.... I was looking forward to it the whole week." I said looking down.

Maybe this will work?
Please work. Please work.

He sighed. "Okay. But... If you don't feel well even the slightest come to me or Bruce. Don't do anything danger-y. No running. No using your right arm. Come here if you feel hungry. And-"
"Okay. Thanks. bye!"

I ran to the elevator ignoring dad's protests because I know if I stayed there one more second he will not stop making rules.
"Hii FRI."
"Hello Mini Stark. How are you feeling right now? Should I call Mr. Stark?"
"Seriously FRIDAY you too??"


"Hey Peter! Can you help me with this Equation over here?" Edward, one of the interns approached me.
"Yeah Sure. See you forgot to square it over here, this changes the whole equation that's why it's not working." I immediately point out the problem.
"Thanks dude you're a life saver. Also that injury kinda looks bad. Are you fine?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a small accident." While fighting some criminals. I add in my mind.

"Edward we have strict orders from Mr. Stark to not stress out Peter about his injuries." Joe, the head intern came towards the desk I was sitting on.
"Also Peter I was thinking if you could check over this coding. There's seems to be a problem and I'm not able to figure our what it is."
"Yeah Sure. Let me see it."
Joe here is the best. I didn't think he would ever come to me for help.

I already checked over the coding two times and still haven't find out any mistakes.
I was on my third check when my eyelids started to drop from exhaustion. Guess I really didn't get much sleep last night.

Why is it so quite over here?

I laid my head on the desk.
I heard some people coming into the lab. Might be some tour group but they were quite. Too quiet.
I could no longer keep my eyes open so I closed them only to open them again when I heard someone shout.
"Is that Parker!!??"

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