Chapter 4

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Peter's POV~

We soon reached the cafeteria on the interns floor after a very boring visit of some other labs.
"Okay class, it's time for a lunch break. We will all meet at the elevator in 1 hour." And with that, Max was gone, doing god knows what.

Me and Ned took a seat across from everyone in the corner and I immediately slammed my head on the table.
"God it was so boring." I complained.
"Are you crazy? It was awesome man. It's not ever day you get to visit the stark tower!" Ned is obviously freaking inside out.
"Maybe I do." I said yawning.

"Peter?" I hear a familiar voice. I open my eyes and saw Mom sitting beside me, ruffling my hair. I leaned into her touch.
"Hey Mom." I said sleepily.
"Hey." She replied smiling softly at me.
I'm honestly surprised no one even noticed THE PEPPER POTTS is sitting with two nerds in the same cafeteria as them.
She does has this little talent of blending in the crowd and be a CEO of a multi billion dollar company.
"I'm assuming dad already told you what happened?"
She nodded. "How are you feeling now?" If someone else would've asked me the same question just 2 minutes ago (which someone already did btw) I would've been irritated but mom asking this somehow just makes me feel contented.
"Fine... but Sleepy."
"Meds?" I just nodded and melted into her touch. Almost falling asleep. Again.

But someone HAD to ruin the moment. Again.
Suddenly out of nowhere I heard loud footsteps coming our way.
The door opened and men with armed guns entered the cafeteria.

I just can't get some decent sleep today. Can I?

I recognised them from the night before. They were the same men I fought last night. Well, shit! Again sorry Cap.

"Everybody stay down or else we won't hesitate shoot you." How ironic.
"You can't do anything. The tower's security systems will be alerted soon." Ofc Mom stood up.

I checked if I have my Web shooters.
Yes they are.
I can stop them but I can't risk my identity. They are way too many people in the cafeteria.

"Aah. Pepper Potts. Looks like we got a lottery for ourselves." He said pointing his gun at Mom. "Now we could get our desired amount from Stark himself." He said taking mom as a hostage.

Ok now he has crossed the limits.

"How dare you point a gun at my mom?"

I hear my classmates gasping.

They have no idea what they're gonna see next.
I webbed the guy's gun and thew it away from him and webbed him to the wall. His other mates started fighting. I dodged kicks and punches and even managed to Web three of them to the wall. One guy punched my right arm exactly where it was broken and I yelped in pain, he took this to his advantage and landed a kick on my head.
Next thing I know is that the room started spinning and I started to feel dizzy.

No no no Peter! You can't be weak!
I shook my head and webbed the last man to the nearest wall.

The room became quiet. Too quite.
"You're spiderman?" Someone from the crowd said. Well, here goes my secret identity. Yay.
"I've been bullying Spiderman?!!" Ignoring Flash's comment I made my way to mom. "Are you okay?"
"Yes I am. Thank you Peter." She said smiling and ruffling my hair.
I smiled back.

"Pete? Pep? Thank god you're okay." I saw dad entering the cafeteria with a concerned look on his face.
Students were gasping in shock when they saw dad. "Omg it's Tony Stark!!"
Dad obviously ignored them. It was a daily thing for him.
He came and hugged mom and then me.

"You okay?" He asked softly.
"I just wanna sleep." I said snuggling against his chest, which made him laugh.
"Looks like the meds are kicking in." He said letting go of me.
"Yeah." I smiled sleepily.
And then I noticed my whole class was staring at us.
"Oh Shit!" My eyes widened.
I started panicking.
They know that Tony and Pepper are my Mom and Dad!!
They also know that I'm spiderman!!

Oh shit! Oh Shit! Shit!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!

God. What am I gonna do now??

"You'll will be signing some NDAs and if any of this goes out, then you're doomed." Dad said calmly and then smiled at them.
"Did I made myself clear?"


I entered my room and immediately jumped on my bed.
I sighed contented and closed my eyes. Hoping no one would disturb me for now at least.

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