6/Yuri Plisetsky + Li-Hua Ling

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We skate. It's the only way that we, as figure skaters, can guarantee a semblance of control in our lives.

Yuri Plisetsky flounced through the streets, shoving the groups of adults and children alike; staring at his phone's reflective screen like it had answers for him.

Victor. Why did it always feel like he was chasing after this grown man? He'd heard from Yakov that he was coaching a female, right after Yuuri disappeared from the entire public.

Porovskia Nikiforov. Shared last name, and if Yuri knew him at all, he'd think this Porovskia girl was part of his family, or worse, his fiancé.

He grimaced, his lips tightening as he swung the door open to the building he'd acknowledged on Victor's feed.

"Ah, Yurio!"

Victor's smile was welcoming; an innocence only he could maintain while he raised his hand, waving obnoxiously.

He'd only just walked into the building, meaning, this Porovskia girl had to be somewhere around him, right?

"Victor, what happened to pork cutlet bowl?" Yuri asked, approaching the man who's body was covered by a navy trench-coat. "You're still wearing your ring."

"Ah, the kitten's curious, then? Not to worry, he's taking a break from skating for a while."

Yuri gave a scoff, closing his eyes, allowing his eyelashes to flutter closed before he acknowledged Li-Hua sitting there, refusing to acknowledge them both.

"Who the hell is this chick?"


Skate. Skate like a whimsical flower, doused in the lust of adultery.

Porovskia held her spins, draining her stamina to her last drop while sweat formed all throughout her body, clear as water drops.

The claps, cheers and yells were deafening as her hands clasped her blossoming breast, folding like a prayer.

Porovskia skated over to where Victor typically was, but was rather appalled to see he wasn't there. Stepping onto the carpet, she slipped on her covers and walked through the building.

"--You're from China, then."

Yuri. His voice was thick with an accent, not as large as Victor's, but was younger sounding, and also carried around laced anger.

"Yes, I am."

"Oh! Porovskia! Over here!" Victor shouted, waving the girl over. Yuuri grimaced at the name, his makeup running.

Truthfully, a part of him disliked behaving like a woman, it was harder than it looked; and certainly isn't fun keeping your mouth shut because your voice is so deep.

"You're Porovskia?" Yuri questioned. His petite frame was drowned out by a hoodie, plasticy and bright with reds and blues.

Li-Hua stood up, passing by Yuuri and whispering something in his ear before retreating to get her bags.


Yuuri had changed, but for a reason unbeknownst to Victor, he'd asked to head to the rink closest to them.

"What's with you and risks lately? I wouldn't have ever known you were such a daredevil," Snickered Victor. His movements were smooth, his body swaying and demonstrating a confidence Yuuri couldn't match outside of the ice rink.

"It's hard to skate with a totally different style, you know." Yuuri responded, a sigh lacing his lips.

"Alright, then, we'll get some practice in." Victor replied, with newfound confidence.


"Stay off my turf, Porovskia Nikiforov."

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