8/Off To China! (Yuuri's Support Stays Behind)

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The rain seemed fitting.

"It's almost two in the morning," Yuuri sighed softly, cushioning his body while Yuri watched some random TV show, plopped on Victor's bed like it was his own. "Where is he?"

"The old man probably got drunk or something." Yuri scoffed. Part of him knew that was completely wrong, and didn't make any sense; only were his intruding thoughts inturrupted by a text message.

Victor: Извини, скажи Юри, что меня сегодня не будет! Случайно упал в стену 😂
(Sorry, tell Yuuri I won't be there tonight! Accidentally fell into a wall 😂)

With a scoff, the boy looked up from his phone and over to Yuuri, who was looking at him with softened eyes.

"Dumbass got himself hospitalized."

Yuuri ran, much faster than he normally ever would've, his heels slamming against the concrete while Yuri tailed behind him; effortlessly.

The door opened with a woosh; the closest hospital to their hotel was Yuuri's best guess.
"Is there a Victor Nikiforov checked in?"


Yuri waited down the hallway, drained. His face was flushed, seeing as it was incredibly early. His feet twisted in his sneakers as he stared at his lap, the subtle feeling of loneliness creeping closer.

Victor had numerous pillows propped up behind him. No major injuries, no head damage, no bandages; just embarrassment.

"Victor!" Yuuri exhaled, closing the single door behind him and practically jumping into his arms, slamming his knee into the side of the bed.

"You're awake?" Victor had questioned, his eyebrow cocked. His platinum, smooth hair that normally was covering his right eye had been pushed upwards with a bright orange clip. The image made Yuuri laugh slightly.

"I heard you crashed into a wall."

"In front of kids, Yuuri. It wounded my pride."

"That's why you're in the hospital?" His questions were brunt; worrisome. Crushed beneath Yuuri's concern was anger that threatened to burst at any moment.

"Pride is much more serious than you think," Victor snickered; jokingly. Yuuri wasn't joking anymore. Nothing he would hear anymore would stray from what he wanted to know. "-but I thought I broke my nose, that's why I'm here."

Yuuri was slightly relieved, his body unknowingly releasing all previous tenses with a sigh. "I'm glad you didn't get a concussion or anything."

"I'm sorry I missed the reward ceremony. It was my responsibility to go, and I missed it."

"I thought I told you to knock it off with the model coach speeches?" Yuuri's lips were mildly pressed into a smile of confidence. "You probably wanted to skate too, right?"

"Well, I definitely tried."


The plane ride was quiet; besides the annoying babies screaming. Victor stayed behind, seeing as the hospital wanted to keep him a little longer. That aggrivated the Japanese man, yet he didn't protest nor voice concern.

The next place he was off to was China, seeing as he advanced first. He wasn't sure how much work Victor would have to do after this; he'd messed his one chance at redemption. Yet, he had previous wins that he'd hoped would redeem him.

Yuri had stuck behind with Victor. It was almost adorable how worried Yuri was about him, even if he'd deny it and slap you if you brought it up.

Across the row from Yuuri, was Li-Hua.

Glaring; comparing differences.

And Victor wasn't here to defend or negotiate.

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