Part 5

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" how many parcels does that make?" Severus asked. He put his book down on his bed, looking at james who was sitting on his bed with a mountain of packages.

" including the one that the owl just dropped in, 8."

" woah. How many are from your mom?"

James made a sound and glared at severus.

" wow. Teasing me on my birthday. How kind."

" hey i already gave you a cupcake, thats enough kindness for one day." Severus smirked deviously and went back to his laying position with his book.

James continued to sort through his gifts, separating them into two piles. Family and friends.

Most of his family had bundled up all their gifts into one large parcel, probably for convenience sake but his mother just had to go overboard.

Three whole parcels just from his mother. No mention of his father, just his mother. Although his fathers gifts were in the larger parcel which made sense.

He decided to rip one open. He wasnt a child anymore, he didn't need this many gifts but it was still nice to get a lot.

He peeled back the wrapping and saw a brand new broom servicing kit. It was a black leather bound carrying case with various equipment inside.

He admired it, picking up the shiny gold clip on compass.

Severus took notice of james who was gawking at the expensive looking case.

He decided to retire his book to his side table, opting to stand up and see what james was looking at so intensely.

" whats that?" Severus asked, sitting at the foot of james' bed like he did often now.

" its a broom servicing kit. Its used to take care of your broom so it stays in good quality." James said excitedly.

Severus chuckled. It was cute how much he liked it.

" you play quidditch right?" He asked even though he knew the answer.

Of course james played quidditch. He was the star of the school, although Severus still thought quidditch was a waste of time.

" yeah. So does sirius but we play different positions." James answered sweetly.

" what position do you play?"

" seeker."

" ah. So you're the star of your team i see." Severus smiled.

James blushed, obviously caught off guard by severus' comment.

" you could say that. There is two things that i am damn good at. Thats quidditch and transfigurations, if im not the star player then i cant say im good at quidditch now can i?" He threw the compass in the air, catching it easily.

" makes sense. Thats why mcgonagal loves you."

" she doesn't love me severus, she just cherishes me." James said with confidence.

Severus laughed, shaking his head and looking at the other packages sitting on the gryffindors bed.

" why dont you open the rest?" Severus poked at one of the softer looking parcels.

James looked at the one severus touched and decided that was the one he was gonna open next.

He ripped open the package, getting a comment about how he opens things like a caveman from severus.

James just rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue like a child, another thing severus got to comment on.

After the small debacle of severus judging his quote on quote 'manchild behavior' he finally opened up the gift.

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