Chapter 27

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🦋Look for all those beautiful reasons in life to be happy. There are more than you would think.🦋

When the two left from the room, heading to their destination you were in the office, accompanied by Mr.Rosseti himself, or should you say, Ray. You tried your best to push out the thoughts on what just occurred. Everything seemed to have started off on the wrong foot.

Finding out about the ex-secretary's death, Conny Hathaway. Having the mother accuse Ray of being involved which is leading to him being interrogated. Finally, you having to witness Anna getting handsy with Ray.

But to avoid tension, not wanting to cause a scene and make matters worse you just pushed everything down.

Ray looked like he didn't need anything else on his plate as it it. He was already going through it.

You looked at the man you adored so much and smiled, "Umm.. hey," you said gently.


"I brought you some breakfast," you said walking up towards him handing him the two bags in your hand. "And here's your drink, I brought you coffee.

He took it from you and smiled softly.

"Thank you, Y/n."

"You're welcome. It's not a problem," you said waving him off. "After all the things you've done for me, this is nothing. You paid for my food at those restaurants not once but two times," you added.

"Yeah, you didn't even finish your food for the first one, you just left," you huffed a laugh.

"I was too embarrassed to even- never mind let's get off that subject. How are you feeling?" You asked walking towards the couch sitting your bag and drink down on the coffee table along with your purse.

"....I've seen better days," he hummed taking a seat next to you, taking out his things.

He unraveled his wrap that covered his sandwich and raised his eyebrows. "This smells good."

You looked at him and then towards his sand which and looked back towards the food that was presented in front of you. "Yeah, it might smell good," you started, catching the man's attention beside you, "but mines smell better."

You picked up your plastic fork and knife that was wrapped with plastic and peeled it off. "Probably even tastes better," you gushed.

Ray watched how you got excited over the topic of food. He could see the small little sparks glisten in your eyes as you stared down at your preparing your food.

You grabbed the packets of syrup and poured them over your French toasts and bacon. "Oh my gosh, this looks so good, Ray." You turned towards him with a biting your bottom lip trying to keep yourself from smiling in his face.

"I bet it does," he says unbothered, taking another bite from his sandwich.

You looked at him and looked back to your food with pursed lips and ate one of your French toast. Taking a bite from it made your French toast nodding your head in approval.

Ray looked at you and shook his head. "Yours probably look good but mines taste good as well," he grumbled.

"Oh yeah?" You asked raising an eyebrow towards him.

Complication • Ray x readerWhere stories live. Discover now